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Map Details for Naruto: 3rd Shinobi Wars 2.2.3
Naruto: 3rd Shinobi Wars 2.2.3 10 players version Naruto: 3rd Shinobi Wars 2.2.3
by DreamRaider

The war that the 3rd hokage tried to end was finally reveiled... It wasn't over. The dead has risen and the veterens fight on. Are you strong enough?<br />
[-ap -ar -sm -usm -dm -pm -sc -id -nd -ni]

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 160x128
Playable Area: 148x116
Recommended Players: Everyone

Size: 3.6 MB
Submitted: 11 Jun 2008 19:53
Rating: 1300 Good 174 Bad
Downloads: 252988


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