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Map Details for Action! AoS v5.0 -Final-
Action! AoS v5.0 -Final- 10 players version Action! AoS v5.0 -Final-
by Stingeth

The object is to support your troops into defeating the other teams town. You are either Eagle Tribe (left side of map) or Scorpion Tribe (right side of map). If you die without any ankhs, you will be revived after 5 minutes.<br />
(Original AoS by Terminatrix)

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Category: Other
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 128x96
Playable Area: 108x83
Recommended Players: 5v5

Size: 0.12 MB
Submitted: 6 Mar 2005 04:35
Rating: 37 Good 13 Bad
Downloads: 4418


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