The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Spellblast 0.08k by Mete
Spellblast 0.08k by Mete 10 players version Spellblast 0.08k by Mete
by Mete

A real time card battle, Five different mages are fighting each other with lots of spells. Intense team oriented gameplay!<br />
<br />
Original idea from Card Shuffle.<br />
<br />
Have Fun!

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Category: Other
Tileset: Barrens
Dimensions: 64x64
Playable Area: 52x52
Recommended Players: min 3v3

Size: 0.05 MB
Submitted: 5 Sep 2009 22:10
Rating: 1 Good 0 Bad
Downloads: 85


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