The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Burbenog TD Holy Edition V.06
Burbenog TD Holy Edition V.06 4 players version Burbenog TD Holy Edition V.06
by Warchief[Holy]

2 New Races and many others news things! Check it out!
Nov 23.2010 Edit. New Towers ! More Edited Towers.More Balanced!
I saw some Bugs so i fixed that problem. and Music is From V3

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Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative)
Tileset: Village Fall
Dimensions: 96x96
Playable Area: 84x84
Recommended Players: Warchief[Holy]

Size: 7.77 MB
Submitted: 26 Nov 2010 19:06
Rating: 9 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 2681


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