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Map Details for Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.3T T9
Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.3T T9 12 players version Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.3T T9
by Feawin, Gameranger Community

Edited by taicho9762, not protected.
Set computers in human or zombie slots to enable AI. Type -bm to start Betrayer Mode. Leave all zombie slots empty to start Civil War Mode.
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Category: Other
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 256x160
Playable Area: 256x160
Recommended Players: 12/Can add AI

Size: 8.19 MB
Submitted: 12 Feb 2022 14:35
Rating: 3 Good 0 Bad
Downloads: 74


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