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Map Details for Rush 2 !! Not wacko, No zepplins!
Rush 2 !! Not wacko, No zepplins! 1 player version Rush 2 !! Not wacko, No zepplins!
by Optimusprimeape

With lots of gold and lumber you will have to fight and be prepared to be attacked by your neigbours! Version Change. This is another remake after Rush 2 Not wacko!! More trees!!, it has all the stuff from that in this, but this has NO Zepplin shop!! YAY!

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Category: Melee
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 64x64
Playable Area: 64x56
Recommended Players: 2v2, 1v1v1v1

Size: 0.03 MB
Submitted: 24 Jan 2008 07:28
Rating: 4 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 187


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