The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Unknown Arena 12 players version Unknown Arena
by Penguines202
Download Unknown Arena.w3x (0.28 MB)
Hero Arena 4 Aug 2007 02:51 4 Good 2 Bad 193
X WORLD v0.40C 11 players version X WORLD v0.40C
by Nahuel X
Download Xworld.w3x (2.75 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 16 Feb 2008 00:39 4 Good 2 Bad 193
OrcsUnd vs HumNElves 8.1a 10 players version OrcsUnd vs HumNElves 8.1a
by ZergRush
Download OrcsUnd v HumNElves 8.1b.w3x (0.31 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 17 Feb 2009 19:54 1 Good 2 Bad 193
Zombie Taktower 1 player version Zombie Taktower
by Unbekannt
Download Zombie Taketower 0.1.w3x (1.56 MB)
Hero Defense 20 Mar 2009 12:17 1 Good 1 Bad 193
Defense of the Randoms 0.11 8 players version Defense of the Randoms 0.11
by Nylky
Download opt-randomdefense.w3x (0.12 MB)
Other 8 May 2009 21:45 7 Good 1 Bad 193
Earth Fight Version 1.6 10 players version Earth Fight Version 1.6
by blck_Zangetsu
Download Earth Fight 1.6.w3x (1.83 MB)
Hero Arena 7 Jul 2009 08:08 0 Good 3 Bad 193
Wars in the Frost 2 players version Wars in the Frost
by Mike Stephenson B. Conde
Download Wars in the Frost.w3x (0.14 MB)
Melee 2 Nov 2009 12:11 2 Good 1 Bad 193
Last Empires... version 1.7 12 players version Last Empires... version 1.7
Download Last Empires... version 1.8.w3x (0.31 MB)
Other 23 May 2010 06:42 5 Good 1 Bad 193
Halo reach - HUM VS HUM VER 2 players version Halo reach - HUM VS HUM VER
by Crontic
Download Halo Reach HUMAN VS HUMAN VERSION.w3x (1.08 MB)
Other 29 Aug 2010 19:04 2 Good 1 Bad 193
Guerra de villeros  ARMAGEDDON 12 players version Guerra de villeros ARMAGEDDON
by John Connor / Niko-Alexo
Download Guerra de Villeros ARMAGEDDON.w3x (1.97 MB)
Hero Arena 18 Sep 2010 15:14 2 Good 1 Bad 193
Frozen Melee v.5.1 12 players version Frozen Melee v.5.1
by VampGod
Download Frozen Melee v.5.1.w3x (0.14 MB)
Melee 1 May 2011 20:48 3 Good 2 Bad 193
Laguna Wars 6.1 10 players version Laguna Wars 6.1
by ArdeeNathanRaranga
Download Laguna Wars 6.1.w3x (0.54 MB)
Other 30 Dec 2011 13:28 0 Good 0 Bad 193
Sigel1.33 Echo Isles 2 players version Sigel1.33 Echo Isles
by Blizzard & RuneSpirit
Download Sigel1.33 EchoIsles.w3x (1.47 MB)
Melee 8 Jan 2012 06:23 5 Good 1 Bad 193
The Epic World 0.39 10 players version The Epic World 0.39
by DarkCotЭ
Download TheEpicWorld 0.39.w3m (7.66 MB)
Other 6 Apr 2012 16:34 5 Good 2 Bad 193
Xtreme Dota Irani 6.2 Try This! 10 players version Xtreme Dota Irani 6.2 Try This!
by :D
Download Xtereme Dota Irani 6.2.w3x (1.19 MB)
Other 30 Nov 2012 10:28 2 Good 1 Bad 193
The Slide Garden [v2.0] BETA4 12 players version The Slide Garden [v2.0] BETA4
by Khuzun
Download Slide garden [v2.0] BETA4.w3m (0.54 MB)
Other 16 Jan 2015 23:06 1 Good 0 Bad 193
sever_is_lost melee unlucky model 4 players version sever_is_lost melee unlucky model
by Freedoom
Download melee - model.w3x (0.06 MB)
Melee 10 Jul 2015 08:10 7 Good 1 Bad 193
IMBA WARCRAFT V.1.11 6 players version IMBA WARCRAFT V.1.11
by Riaqliu
Download IMBAWARCRAFT.w3x (0.18 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 17 May 2016 04:46 1 Good 0 Bad 193
The of house of the dead 2 players version The of house of the dead
by Dhyco
Download The house of the dead v1.3 G2.w3x (0.04 MB)
Other 26 Jun 2016 04:45 1 Good 2 Bad 193
PatisauR's ORPG v1.07 4 players version PatisauR's ORPG v1.07
by PatisauR
Download opt-Patisaur's ORPG 1.07.w3x (4.85 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 7 Jan 2018 12:37 6 Good 1 Bad 193
Cats and Mice v6.57 12 players version Cats and Mice v6.57
by «ScorchedEarth»
Download Cats and Mice v6.57.w3x (1.49 MB)
Other 6 Feb 2018 16:07 1 Good 1 Bad 193
Mathog's Arena v1.6c 2 players version Mathog's Arena v1.6c
by Inferno11114
Download Mathogs Arena v1.6c.w3x (8.17 MB)
Hero Arena 22 Dec 2018 18:23 3 Good 1 Bad 193
Daring Dungeoneers 0.2e 5 players version Daring Dungeoneers 0.2e
by Spiridon
Download daring_dungeoneers_v0.2e.w3x (1.33 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 13 Mar 2019 23:58 1 Good 0 Bad 193
The World of Azeroth: Perfection v3 12 players version The World of Azeroth: Perfection v3
by youffou
Download WoaP v3.w3x (9.08 MB)
Melee 1 Jun 2019 18:05 5 Good 2 Bad 193
Custom Hero Survival Redo Alpha 8 players version Custom Hero Survival Redo Alpha
by none
Download Custom Hero Survival Redo Alpha 2.w3x (0.38 MB)
Other 25 Feb 2021 21:39 6 Good 2 Bad 193


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