The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Demon Orpg 2.0 10 players version Demon Orpg 2.0
by Unknown
Download Demon Orpg 2.0.w3x (0.1 MB)
Other 30 Aug 2017 17:00 2 Good 1 Bad 44
Download SMOSH GRAFITI.w3x (0.06 MB)
Melee 10 Jun 2018 20:51 1 Good 0 Bad 44
CARMAGEDDON 2.3 5 players version CARMAGEDDON 2.3
by ^__^
Download Carmageddon 2.3.w3x (4.46 MB)
Other 20 Feb 2019 15:28 2 Good 0 Bad 44
крыса и человек 3 10 players version крыса и человек 3
by Dotatiger. MrVaskar
Download крыса и человек 3.w3x (0.06 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 22 Feb 2019 13:41 1 Good 2 Bad 44
Maze of Titans v1.4 10 players version Maze of Titans v1.4
by Deltayo / P3T3R
Download Maze of Titans v1.4.w3x (0.53 MB)
Other 3 Apr 2019 18:37 3 Good 2 Bad 44
islas canibales beta 1,1 6 players version islas canibales beta 1,1
by xxeooxx
Download islas profundas.w3x (0.12 MB)
Castle Defense 22 May 2019 23:06 0 Good 1 Bad 44
MasRazitas v0.5.3 8 players version MasRazitas v0.5.3
by Diegosih
Download Razitas v0.5.w3x (1.65 MB)
Other 28 May 2019 22:18 3 Good 1 Bad 44
Freddy Krueger Escape 1.7a 11 players version Freddy Krueger Escape 1.7a
by Kadakash
Download FKE1.7a.w3x (3.72 MB)
Other 9 Dec 2019 19:10 3 Good 0 Bad 44
Ultra Defence 0.22 3 players version Ultra Defence 0.22
by opiemonster
Download Ultra Defence 0.22.w3x (91.36 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 28 Mar 2020 15:19 1 Good 0 Bad 44
The Blood Way ORPG 1.91d 11 players version The Blood Way ORPG 1.91d
by UltimateFenix & Lardan
Download The Blood Way ORPG 1.91d.w3x (7.39 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 19 May 2020 15:10 3 Good 1 Bad 44
Farmer vs Hunter S2 Final Fixed 3.8 12 players version Farmer vs Hunter S2 Final Fixed 3.8
by TTM
Download FarmerVsHunterR SS2 3.8 Final Fixed.w3x (1.8 MB)
Other 10 Sep 2020 11:40 0 Good 0 Bad 44
Tierras muertas-Ultimate-6.3.7 10 players version Tierras muertas-Ultimate-6.3.7
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DeadlandsV6.3.7.w3x (73.61 MB)
Melee 22 Dec 2020 15:09 2 Good 0 Bad 44
Lord of the Rings Story Builder 1.21 3 players version Lord of the Rings Story Builder 1.21
Download Lotr Builder 2Story fshp manytrig.w3x (31.42 MB)
Other 11 Jan 2021 09:11 1 Good 1 Bad 44
La Batalla de Alterac-2.1.2 4 players version La Batalla de Alterac-2.1.2
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (4)BattleofAlteracV2.1.2.w3x (22.52 MB)
Melee 20 Apr 2021 17:00 1 Good 0 Bad 44
Defiende la casa de Jinez v4.7 BETA 8 players version Defiende la casa de Jinez v4.7 BETA
by Faceless5
Download Defiende la Choza de Jinez BETA 1.w3x (1.77 MB)
Other 14 Jan 2022 06:39 2 Good 1 Bad 44
Jade Adventure v0.98k 3 players version Jade Adventure v0.98k
by ZanyDruid
Download Jade Adventure v0.98K.w3x (21.24 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 16 Jan 2022 18:47 3 Good 0 Bad 44
ZRPG 1.01A Public Beta 10 players version ZRPG 1.01A Public Beta
by zam
Download ZRPG 1.01A.w3x (71.09 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 20 Feb 2022 18:28 2 Good 1 Bad 44
model test map 3 players version model test map
by Unknown
Download broken_models.w3x (2.3 MB)
Other 12 Apr 2022 13:47 2 Good 2 Bad 44
Warlordsv1.4 12 players version Warlordsv1.4
by Reuscreator,Mky
Download WARLORDSv1.4op.w3x (3.55 MB)
Hero Arena 7 May 2022 03:13 1 Good 3 Bad 44
Vesteria RPG v.1.0.7c 8 players version Vesteria RPG v.1.0.7c
by StarGazer
Download Vesteria (Official BETA) v1.0.7c.w3x (6.45 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 6 Jun 2022 20:18 0 Good 1 Bad 44
Horde vs Alliance X3 v3.67 970f 1 player version Horde vs Alliance X3 v3.67 970f
by VidoQ
Download X3v3.67-970f.w3x (18.78 MB)
Other 27 Jun 2022 16:18 1 Good 0 Bad 44
BOSS suboj 2 7 players version BOSS suboj 2
by Jakub Smoľák
Download BOSS suboj 2,1.w3x (3.43 MB)
Hero Arena 23 Nov 2022 13:46 0 Good 0 Bad 44
RatMazeV.2.9.9 3 players version RatMazeV.2.9.9
by MrFrichyBoy
Download Rat Maze V.2.9.9.w3x (33.37 MB)
Other 29 Nov 2022 00:00 2 Good 1 Bad 44
The First War v1.8 8 players version The First War v1.8
by SgtWinter
Download TFW1.8.w3x (7.54 MB)
Other 7 Aug 2023 13:12 0 Good 0 Bad 44
PA 7.4G 10 players version PA 7.4G
by Gold
Download PA7.4G_Final.w3x (52.33 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 20 May 2024 19:01 1 Good 1 Bad 44


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