The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Escape the Light 11 players version Escape the Light
by Unbekannt
Download Escape The Light.w3x (0.08 MB)
Other 5 Apr 2008 20:52 4 Good 2 Bad 257
Orc Survival 0.30v BETA 11 players version Orc Survival 0.30v BETA
by Clan MMU
Download clan mmu!!.w3x (0.08 MB)
Other 17 Apr 2008 00:13 2 Good 3 Bad 257
Naval Battle - v1.01 (Epic Version) 10 players version Naval Battle - v1.01 (Epic Version)
by TKF
Download Naval Battle v1.01 (Epic).w3x (0.66 MB)
Hero Defense 18 Jul 2008 14:19 2 Good 3 Bad 257
Gladi v.1 full verz kill kil jaden 1 player version Gladi v.1 full verz kill kil jaden
by csonka endre
Download gladi.w3x (0.04 MB)
Hero Arena 9 Sep 2008 12:18 2 Good 1 Bad 257
Village world 4 players version Village world
by Unknown
Download villagers wold.w3x (0.03 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 9 Sep 2008 15:32 1 Good 1 Bad 257
Last Battle v24.0 7 players version Last Battle v24.0
by DKN
Download Last Battle v24.0 ( VN ).w3x (1.1 MB)
Hero Defense 20 Sep 2008 13:14 5 Good 2 Bad 257
Zombie Attack v 1.5 by matys307 10 players version Zombie Attack v 1.5 by matys307
by matys307
Download zombie attack by matys.w3m (0.14 MB)
Other 19 Oct 2010 00:59 6 Good 1 Bad 257
Wsm Jurassic Park 1.0 7 players version Wsm Jurassic Park 1.0
by Wsm Team
Download Wsm Jurassic Park 1.0.w3x (2.97 MB)
Other 28 Oct 2010 21:55 1 Good 0 Bad 257
LegionTD XBN Edition V1.40 8 players version LegionTD XBN Edition V1.40
by XBN Edition -
Download Legion TD XBN Edition V1.40 [P].w3x (1.56 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 19 Nov 2010 20:28 2 Good 3 Bad 257
icecrown 6 players version icecrown
by daniel
Download icecrown.w3x (0.18 MB)
Other 7 Jun 2012 17:20 2 Good 1 Bad 257
The Flayed Village (v0.9.6) 3 players version The Flayed Village (v0.9.6)
by Flayer
Download (3)TheFlayedVillage.w3x (2.27 MB)
Melee 4 Jan 2014 16:06 0 Good 1 Bad 257
The War of Aikatsu [b5] 12 players version The War of Aikatsu [b5]
by Ayami Ooruri
Download The War of Aikatsu [b5].w3x (1.59 MB)
Melee 18 Sep 2017 03:47 5 Good 1 Bad 257
AY VN Defensive v5.0a 10 players version AY VN Defensive v5.0a
by Dr.TTr and Dr.TTp
Download VN Defense AY v5.0b.w3x (2.39 MB)
Hero Defense 30 Jun 2021 06:19 2 Good 1 Bad 257
Hero ForStyle v24.0 4 players version Hero ForStyle v24.0
by ForStyle
Download Hero ForStyle v24.0.w3x (1.85 MB)
Hero Arena 28 Apr 2009 07:29 2 Good 0 Bad 257
Brigandine - Defense of Forsena 1 player version Brigandine - Defense of Forsena
by [email protected]
Download Brigandine Defense of Forsena - Alpha Version - Uncompleted Version.w3x (0.13 MB)
Other 7 Jun 2009 07:43 2 Good 1 Bad 257
Monolith (Test2) 4 players version Monolith (Test2)
by Clan Demon Hunter
Download (4)Monolith.w3x (1.83 MB)
Other 31 Jul 2009 10:53 3 Good 0 Bad 257
World War 1 - RTW Revised  v1.01 11 players version World War 1 - RTW Revised v1.01
by LlamaNamedOsama, Emperor_Jackal
Download WW1-RTWR1.01protected.w3x (1.52 MB)
Other 1 Jul 2010 08:57 2 Good 1 Bad 257
Arctic Builder v2.55 10 players version Arctic Builder v2.55
by _KavinuKas_
Download Arcticbuilder 2.55.w3x (5.15 MB)
Other 30 Jul 2010 12:27 2 Good 2 Bad 257
Contesa tra Alleanza e Orda - 0.5a 2 players version Contesa tra Alleanza e Orda - 0.5a
by Casale65
Download (2)LaContesa2.w3x (0.33 MB)
Castle Defense 19 Jan 2009 16:34 8 Good 2 Bad 256
Musa Heroes Wars v2.0 10 players version Musa Heroes Wars v2.0
by Wsm Team
Download Musa Heroes Wars v2.0.w3x (0.73 MB)
Melee 31 Aug 2010 21:09 2 Good 1 Bad 256
Star Battle v0.3.06 12 players version Star Battle v0.3.06
by Mempa
Download StarBattle0.3.06p.w3x (3.88 MB)
Other 2 Feb 2017 00:46 2 Good 1 Bad 256
DotA v6.92b LoD 10 players version DotA v6.92b LoD
by Vordik
Download DotA_LoD_6.92b.w3x (113.69 MB)
Hero Arena 12 Feb 2024 18:35 0 Good 3 Bad 256
Cataclysm Wars v 1.20 8 players version Cataclysm Wars v 1.20
by Talesdro
Download Cataclysm Wars v1.20.w3x (3.08 MB)
Hero Defense 27 Oct 2009 20:40 4 Good 0 Bad 256
Epic Clash v3.0b AI+ 10 players version Epic Clash v3.0b AI+
by Lu Manlapat
Download EpicClashv3.0b_AI.w3x (3.26 MB)
Hero Arena 9 Jun 2014 16:31 7 Good 1 Bad 256
Dog catch Chicken v5.9 e 12 players version Dog catch Chicken v5.9 e
by Xander100+Geniuskwe
Download Dogs catch Chickens v5.9e.w3x (0.71 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 5 Jan 2011 02:11 2 Good 2 Bad 256


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