The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Small Forests 2 players version Small Forests
by By Thomas Tom
Download Small Forests.w3m (0.04 MB)
Other 11 Aug 2007 18:12 1 Good 2 Bad 176
How to play with lighning 1 player version How to play with lighning
by Dark_Isher
Download howtoplaywithlightning.w3x (0.02 MB)
Other 22 Dec 2007 10:19 3 Good 1 Bad 176
Turk Arena (1.8) 12 players version Turk Arena (1.8)
Download Turk Arena (1.8).w3x (0.38 MB)
Hero Arena 18 Oct 2008 12:53 2 Good 2 Bad 176
Capturar la Bandera 8 players version Capturar la Bandera
by Piconpato
Download Capturar la Bandera 1.0.w3x (6.1 MB)
Melee 16 Jul 2010 08:16 2 Good 0 Bad 176
Conqueror v1.14e 8 players version Conqueror v1.14e
by Frog_Boy [Garena]
Download Conqueror v1.14e.w3x (1.04 MB)
Hero Defense 4 Nov 2010 17:03 2 Good 2 Bad 176
World Adventures 10 players version World Adventures
by [LosT]-Axel- Y [Taof]Darkmanus
Download RPG.w3x (2.96 MB)
Other 8 Nov 2010 17:50 0 Good 1 Bad 176
LOL 1.1 8 players version LOL 1.1
Download LOL 1.2.w3x (0.24 MB)
Melee 15 Nov 2010 10:08 2 Good 3 Bad 176
Starcraft Arena v.1.0 12 players version Starcraft Arena v.1.0
by [Tc]-StrikerS
Download Starcraft Arena v.1.0.w3x (3.11 MB)
Hero Arena 25 Feb 2011 15:02 1 Good 1 Bad 176
Wolf's Defense X 8.7b 12 players version Wolf's Defense X 8.7b
by [T]art
Download WolfsDefenseX8.7b.w3x (0.55 MB)
Other 30 Mar 2011 07:13 2 Good 1 Bad 176
kkkkkkkk 10 players version kkkkkkkk
by kkkkk
Download Escabullida.w3x (3.16 MB)
Hero Defense 22 Aug 2011 03:06 2 Good 2 Bad 176
Human vs Orc v1.51 5 players version Human vs Orc v1.51
by 18 Presents
Download Human vs Orc v1.51.w3x (0.04 MB)
Melee 2 Nov 2011 06:30 2 Good 2 Bad 176
Ruins of Ellmoon v. 1.2 5 players version Ruins of Ellmoon v. 1.2
by $LAvI§
Download Emilion.w3x (0.16 MB)
Other 30 Mar 2012 18:28 0 Good 0 Bad 176
Copia del Dota/finaldestination1.59e 10 players version Copia del Dota/finaldestination1.59e
by Tornix
Download Final Destination Hero Wars 1.59e.w3x (5.21 MB)
Hero Defense 6 May 2012 23:53 0 Good 1 Bad 176
BotA Allstars v.4.0 10 players version BotA Allstars v.4.0
by johnken006
Download Bota v4.0.w3x (6.54 MB)
Hero Defense 13 Jun 2013 13:14 1 Good 0 Bad 176
Heroes Wars ver.2 6 players version Heroes Wars ver.2
by Randell Quejada
Download Heroes Wars Ver.3.w3x (2.14 MB)
Hero Arena 27 Apr 2014 20:10 3 Good 0 Bad 176
Death Race v2.0 4 players version Death Race v2.0
by Hazhvent
Download Death Race.w3x (1.07 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 25 Jun 2014 22:53 1 Good 0 Bad 176
The Great Conflict 1.2b 10 players version The Great Conflict 1.2b
by MStylo
Download The Great Conflict 1.2b.w3x (4.57 MB)
Hero Defense 1 Aug 2014 20:34 0 Good 4 Bad 176
Mundo Warcraft III 6 players version Mundo Warcraft III
by Jor Marian y Jes
Download El Mundo de Warcraft III - v6.1.67.w3x (4.12 MB)
Melee 18 Aug 2014 23:59 2 Good 1 Bad 176
Crazy War 2.8 4 players version Crazy War 2.8
by LeGoLaSyO
Download Crazy War 2.8.w3x (2.9 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 6 Apr 2015 17:57 3 Good 3 Bad 176
Крестики-Нолики 0.0 2 players version Крестики-Нолики 0.0
by Я, конечно.
Download Крестики-нолики(1).w3x (0.1 MB)
Other 2 Jan 2016 21:27 2 Good 2 Bad 176
Star Wars AoS TE v1.7LAN 10 players version Star Wars AoS TE v1.7LAN
by Yacapo and Dildamesh
Download STARWARSAOStatooinev1.7b LAN.w3x (1.13 MB)
Other 23 Dec 2018 00:43 2 Good 2 Bad 176
Might & Magic V2,25 + Ai 3 players version Might & Magic V2,25 + Ai
by Dark-Zalor
Download Might And Magic V2,25.w3x (7.28 MB)
Hero Arena 2 Nov 2020 10:23 2 Good 2 Bad 176
Петры баланс 7.03 12 players version Петры баланс 7.03
by Nikolas_super
Download Petri_Balance_7_03.w3x (2.36 MB)
Other 2 Nov 2020 20:09 4 Good 5 Bad 176
Nrpg 2.99e8 9 players version Nrpg 2.99e8
by Dondra
Download Nrpg 2.99e8.w3x (7.99 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 29 Oct 2022 22:08 3 Good 1 Bad 176
Tuyet The Dau La v2.21 ALL War3 7 players version Tuyet The Dau La v2.21 ALL War3
by Youtube:The Van Gamer
Download 343.TuyetTheDauLa.AllWar3.V3.w3x (94.4 MB)
Hero Defense 21 Apr 2024 16:17 1 Good 1 Bad 176


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