The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Datearrow Rating Downloads
4 Hero 4 Kingdom 1 Lord 4 players version 4 Hero 4 Kingdom 1 Lord
by Blokado Lord
Download 4 hero 4 Kingdom 1 Lord.w3x (0.04 MB)
Hero Arena 24 Feb 2010 17:14 0 Good 1 Bad 405
Atomic Bomberman Version 1.02 12 players version Atomic Bomberman Version 1.02
by GLB
Download bomberman102.w3m (0.28 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 17:07 0 Good 1 Bad 177
Epic Battle 8 players version Epic Battle
by John Connor
Download (8)EPIC BATTLE batalla en el paraiso.w3x (7.66 MB)
Hero Arena 24 Feb 2010 16:47 1 Good 2 Bad 487
Epic Battle 8 players version Epic Battle
by John Connor
Download (8)EPIC BATTLE batalla en el paraiso 2.w3x (6.88 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 16:40 2 Good 1 Bad 146
Epic Battle 8 players version Epic Battle
by John Connor
Download (8)EPIC BATTLE batalla en el paraiso -1.w3x (6.91 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 16:39 2 Good 1 Bad 213
Guerra de villeros 12 players version Guerra de villeros
by John Connor / argentina maps
Download Guerra de Villeros.w3x (0.04 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 16:17 2 Good 0 Bad 130
RESISTENCIA defense 6 players version RESISTENCIA defense
by AleXo
Download RESISTENCIA defense.w3x (2.71 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 16:12 3 Good 2 Bad 356
Vampirism Zero PLg 2.8c FIX 3.9a NEW 12 players version Vampirism Zero PLg 2.8c FIX 3.9a NEW
by Pr-0.LeXus.geR
Download Vampirism Zero PLg 3.4c FIX 4.2a NEW! !.w3x (2.22 MB)
Tower Defense (Survivor) 24 Feb 2010 16:12 2 Good 1 Bad 247
Guerra de villeros 1 player version Guerra de villeros
by John Connor / argentina maps
Download Guerra de Villeros.w3x (0.04 MB)
Hero Arena 24 Feb 2010 16:06 1 Good 1 Bad 114
7 Blademasters(Fixed) 7 players version 7 Blademasters(Fixed)
by Keeper24
Download 7 blade master NEW VERSION!!.w3x (0.12 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 15:55 2 Good 0 Bad 190
Huyen Thoai Dragon v2 12 players version Huyen Thoai Dragon v2
by progamevn2008
Download Huyen Thoai Dragon v2.w3x (3.95 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 15:55 9 Good 5 Bad 2450
Naruto Arcademania 12 players version Naruto Arcademania
by Dregonx
Download Naruto Arcademania.w3x (5.76 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 24 Feb 2010 15:49 36 Good 13 Bad 9706
Murloc Island 12 players version Murloc Island
by IQHohenheim
Download Murloc Island v.89.w3x (0.19 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 15:45 1 Good 1 Bad 88
Winterdrops Arena v1.2 AI 10 players version Winterdrops Arena v1.2 AI
by sPy
Download Winterdrops Arena v1.2.w3x (1.6 MB)
Hero Arena 24 Feb 2010 15:22 3 Good 1 Bad 692
Hero Defense VN 1.4 6 players version Hero Defense VN 1.4
by sonic0203
Download Hero Defense VN 1.4.w3x (1.34 MB)
Hero Defense 24 Feb 2010 15:16 9 Good 2 Bad 2813
HeroBattleBeta1.1f 8 players version HeroBattleBeta1.1f
by Th3Raven
Download HeroBattlebeta1.1f.w3x (0.04 MB)
Hero Arena 24 Feb 2010 15:04 2 Good 1 Bad 120
Ice Crown v1.2 8 players version Ice Crown v1.2
by Arthas Markson
Download (12)IceCrown v1.2.w3x (0.32 MB)
Melee 24 Feb 2010 14:33 1 Good 1 Bad 401
G-bT Heroes Arena v1.00 10 players version G-bT Heroes Arena v1.00
by manyukid
Download G-bT Heroes Arena v1.00.w3x (0.58 MB)
Hero Arena 24 Feb 2010 14:28 3 Good 0 Bad 203
Azure Tower Defense Improved 9.7 8 players version Azure Tower Defense Improved 9.7
by Blizzard , Improved by Barathrum
Download AzureTowerDefenseImproved v.9.7.w3x (0.85 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 24 Feb 2010 14:27 2 Good 0 Bad 1520
Vampirism OMEGA by Azamous 12 players version Vampirism OMEGA by Azamous
by Christopher.B
Download Vampirism Omega.w3m (1 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 14:15 1 Good 0 Bad 131
Jack & Annie Assasination Cinematic 1 player version Jack & Annie Assasination Cinematic
by ilyT.J(Editor-Manbot190)
Download Cinematic Part 2!.w3x (0.05 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 13:45 5 Good 1 Bad 110
Defend of the village 10 players version Defend of the village
by N00B_L1KE_
Download Dotv v1b.w3x (0.07 MB)
Hero Defense 24 Feb 2010 13:33 2 Good 1 Bad 254
Ancient Reptiles 12 players version Ancient Reptiles
by Wersoner
Download Ancient Reptiles.w3x (1.24 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 24 Feb 2010 13:29 1 Good 0 Bad 304
Kvatch AttaquƩ ! 11 players version Kvatch AttaquƩ !
by Fabricius1
Download oblivion (vrai jeu).w3m (0.1 MB)
Other 24 Feb 2010 12:45 0 Good 1 Bad 84
AVATAR: the Film v19.0 8 players version AVATAR: the Film v19.0
Download AVATAR project 19.0.w3x (1.94 MB)
Campaign 24 Feb 2010 12:32 10 Good 1 Bad 955


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