The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Sheep & Wolves 1.1b 8 players version Sheep & Wolves 1.1b
by [ANTI]Popolin
Download Sheep vs Wolves 1.1b.w3x (1.33 MB)
Other 2 Feb 2008 00:05 2 Good 1 Bad 139
Rifleman CTF Paintball v0.2 10 players version Rifleman CTF Paintball v0.2
by Psycho_Rager
Download Rifleman CTF Paintball v0.2.w3x (0.07 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 14 Jul 2008 05:15 6 Good 2 Bad 139
Run Dragon Run - HAMSTER DANC ** 10 players version Run Dragon Run - HAMSTER DANC **
by Fixed by sheepy.alucard
Download Run Kitty Run 3 - v2.7 (EDITED) Woot.w3x (1.36 MB)
Other 15 Dec 2008 01:13 2 Good 0 Bad 139
Dulei Giants!! PVP Corrida da LIFE 8 players version Dulei Giants!! PVP Corrida da LIFE
by Unknown
Download Dulei's PVP.w3x (0.03 MB)
Campaign 10 Aug 2009 21:08 5 Good 1 Bad 139
Undergrave Chapter 1 6 players version Undergrave Chapter 1
by MiniDisc
Download UndergraveChapter1(Finished).w3x (0.47 MB)
Other 30 Apr 2010 08:04 0 Good 0 Bad 139
Prohojdenie 1.01 10 players version Prohojdenie 1.01
by Vardaka
Download Prohojdenie 1.01.w3x (0.28 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 11 Sep 2010 07:35 0 Good 3 Bad 139
Mass Footmen 12 players version Mass Footmen
by Unknown
Download Mass Footmen.w3x (0.03 MB)
Other 27 Sep 2010 15:32 0 Good 0 Bad 139
Arena Brasil v0.07a 10 players version Arena Brasil v0.07a
by .Zeet
Download Arena Brasil v0.07a.w3x (2.44 MB)
Hero Arena 17 Jan 2011 00:40 2 Good 0 Bad 139
Verluria RPG 1.4 6 players version Verluria RPG 1.4
by Lucas de Assis Arruda
Download Verluria RPG v1.4.w3x (0.65 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 26 Jan 2011 12:23 3 Good 0 Bad 139
Laguna Wars v3.4 10 players version Laguna Wars v3.4
by ArdeeNathanRaranga
Download War of Lagunav3.w3x (0.61 MB)
Other 30 Apr 2011 15:55 1 Good 1 Bad 139
Village Infection 10 players version Village Infection
by pwnerman33
Download Village Infection.w3x (0.4 MB)
Other 30 Oct 2012 01:43 0 Good 1 Bad 139
M.i.A v4.1 12 players version M.i.A v4.1
by XirVz
Download M.i.A v4.1.w3x (5.42 MB)
Tower Defense (Survivor) 17 Apr 2013 00:01 1 Good 1 Bad 139
Arrows of Ice Credits 1 player version Arrows of Ice Credits
by Arvid
Download Arrows of Ice Credits.w3x (0.03 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 1 Sep 2013 15:22 0 Good 2 Bad 139
Protect Your Castle! v1.8.1b 10 players version Protect Your Castle! v1.8.1b
by Megamax
Download PYC - Prot v1.8.1b.w3x (2.86 MB)
Other 2 Aug 2014 04:30 3 Good 1 Bad 139
D.T.L. v3.7a Al v1.0 8 players version D.T.L. v3.7a Al v1.0
by JeanCandro
Download Defensa Torre Legendaria v3.7a.w3x (1.13 MB)
Tower Wars 25 Oct 2014 16:54 1 Good 1 Bad 139
DRTS V3.6 12 players version DRTS V3.6
by Dersaol
Download Drts v3.6.w3x (0.29 MB)
Hero Arena 3 Nov 2014 01:46 1 Good 1 Bad 139
Custom Hero Defense[TSH].14.9 21 players version Custom Hero Defense[TSH].14.9
by [email protected]
Download Custom Hero Defense[TSH].14.9p.w3x (3.81 MB)
Hero Defense 3 Jul 2019 23:12 5 Good 4 Bad 139
Choice Battle v2.9.8 10 players version Choice Battle v2.9.8
by Choice Battle
Download Opt-ChoiceBattleV2.9.8.w3x (49.41 MB)
Other 27 Jun 2020 13:39 5 Good 1 Bad 139
23 Race Classic 3.4K OBT FIX 12 players version 23 Race Classic 3.4K OBT FIX
by Old_Helm & MaximBit
Download 23Race_3_4K_OBT_FIX.w3x (7.44 MB)
Melee 1 Aug 2020 13:12 2 Good 2 Bad 139
Azeroth Wars LR 1.591h 12 players version Azeroth Wars LR 1.591h
by Avrion, Railen & EagleMan
Download Azeroth Wars LR 1.591h.w3x (1.98 MB)
Other 26 Aug 2020 17:05 15 Good 5 Bad 139
Valles de Kalimdor 12 players version Valles de Kalimdor
by Flipolización
Download (12) Valles de Kalimdor.w3x (7.43 MB)
Other 25 Mar 2021 00:34 1 Good 1 Bad 139
Antorus: la caida de la legion 1.2 10 players version Antorus: la caida de la legion 1.2
by Saru
Download La caida de la legion 1.2.w3x (47.68 MB)
Other 1 Jun 2021 17:44 3 Good 1 Bad 139
暗黑3-虫子de逆袭v15.19 12 players version 暗黑3-虫子de逆袭v15.19
by leisel(虫子)
Download Diablo3 RPG.w3x (49.27 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 5 Jun 2021 22:59 2 Good 1 Bad 139
Angel Arena Balanced Edition 10 players version Angel Arena Balanced Edition
by MoSaZeaL
Download Angel Arena Balanced Edition v0.01m.w3x (23.82 MB)
Hero Arena 4 Jan 2024 13:40 31 Good 1 Bad 139
Siege of Silvermoon 7 players version Siege of Silvermoon
by Vaishe
Download Siege of Silvermoon FINAL version.w3x (16.58 MB)
Campaign 22 Apr 2024 13:31 1 Good 1 Bad 139


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