The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Yüzlesme Bolum 2 (1.2) 6 players version Yüzlesme Bolum 2 (1.2)
by [email protected]
Download Yuzlesme Bolum II (1.2).w3x (0.09 MB)
Campaign 22 Jan 2008 19:30 3 Good 1 Bad 129
Wioska Bitwy 1 player version Wioska Bitwy
by Kondzior
Download Wioska Bitwy.w3x (0.05 MB)
Other 9 Mar 2008 17:33 4 Good 2 Bad 129
Mammoth War V1.0 8 players version Mammoth War V1.0
by Forgotten_Noob
Download Mammoth War V1.0.w3x (0.09 MB)
Castle Defense 24 Oct 2008 16:25 2 Good 2 Bad 129
La Jungla v1.4b 10 players version La Jungla v1.4b
by eRo - Ombu: [Qwp]HomEro
Download La Jungla v1.4b.w3x (1.58 MB)
Hero Defense 6 Dec 2008 21:07 3 Good 2 Bad 129
LOL lustig 1 player version LOL lustig
by Unbekannt
Download des wird lusi.w3x (0.16 MB)
Melee 16 Dec 2008 14:51 1 Good 1 Bad 129
Attack on Wurmburg 5 players version Attack on Wurmburg
by soeC
Download Attack on Wurmburg 1.2.w3x (0.15 MB)
Castle Defense 2 Jan 2009 01:45 2 Good 2 Bad 129
Tropicial Tag replacment 12 players version Tropicial Tag replacment
by Ultra-X/karwasa
Download Tropicial tag !! V0.3b replacment.w3x (0.26 MB)
Other 15 Nov 2009 14:33 3 Good 2 Bad 129
World Domination 11 players version World Domination
by TheLegondaryone
Download World Domination Abysal.w3x (0.09 MB)
Other 23 Nov 2010 20:48 1 Good 1 Bad 129
Deathrose version 2511 8 players version Deathrose version 2511
by Blizzard E - Trong Linh Nguyen
Download Deathrose2511LOCK.w3x (0.7 MB)
Other 6 Jan 2011 04:09 4 Good 1 Bad 129
Underground Alpha V0,12 4 players version Underground Alpha V0,12
by Madssturluson
Download Underground Alpha V0,12.w3x (0.08 MB)
Melee 15 Feb 2011 13:56 2 Good 0 Bad 129
Lorderon summer v8.3 5 players version Lorderon summer v8.3
by Vezax
Download (5)Lorderon summer v 8.3.w3x (0.21 MB)
Melee 28 Aug 2011 15:03 1 Good 2 Bad 129
Survival Abusador 8 players version Survival Abusador
by XxDarkneosxX
Download Survival Dificil by XxDarkneosxX.w3x (0.03 MB)
Other 9 Sep 2011 01:11 2 Good 0 Bad 129
Streams of War v6.3b 10 players version Streams of War v6.3b
by Gyldarts/Arisato
Download SoW v6.3b AI.w3x (6.56 MB)
Hero Defense 8 May 2012 10:49 4 Good 2 Bad 129
Giant vs Little EXtra 10 players version Giant vs Little EXtra
by Demon1Ce
Download Giant vs Little EXtra v.1.1d.w3x (0.39 MB)
Other 1 Sep 2012 10:30 3 Good 1 Bad 129
The Diming Statium 6 players version The Diming Statium
by carlos16
Download (6) The Diming Statium.w3x (0.11 MB)
Melee 20 Jul 2014 09:37 1 Good 1 Bad 129
55 2 players version 55
by Cosonic5 and Sladqoegka
Download 67.w3x (2.25 MB)
Hero Defense 21 Feb 2015 07:57 2 Good 0 Bad 129
Rebeldes y Corruptosv2.4 6 players version Rebeldes y Corruptosv2.4
by locodavid15
Download Rebels and Corruptv2.4.w3x (0.25 MB)
Hero Defense 6 Mar 2016 06:26 4 Good 1 Bad 129
Valle gnoll 2 players version Valle gnoll
by -Sytrinp-
Download (2)GnollValley.w3x (0.06 MB)
Melee 19 Nov 2016 22:42 3 Good 0 Bad 129
Green Circle 24 Oras 1.4 8 players version Green Circle 24 Oras 1.4
by GMA
Download Green Circle 24 Oras 1.4.w3x (1.21 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 21 Nov 2016 01:21 2 Good 0 Bad 129
L'expédition Condamnée 1.0 8 players version L'expédition Condamnée 1.0
by Hoth
Download ExpeditionCondamnee1.0.w3x (2.01 MB)
Other 14 Aug 2017 11:47 4 Good 1 Bad 129
Tran Chien Cuoi Cung v13 10 players version Tran Chien Cuoi Cung v13
by SaoBien
Download Cuoc Chien Tan Khoc 1708.w3x (6.59 MB)
Hero Defense 17 Aug 2017 12:25 4 Good 2 Bad 129
Defense of the Chosen v3.15 3 players version Defense of the Chosen v3.15
by Foxfire(xf3NNI3), Winter
Download DOTC_v3.15.w3x (8.27 MB)
Hero Defense 2 Jan 2021 22:20 1 Good 0 Bad 129
Supremacy v9.4.3 Altered Melee-Arena 12 players version Supremacy v9.4.3 Altered Melee-Arena
by Rasamayu
Download Supremacy v9.4.3 (eng).w3x (2.63 MB)
Melee 19 Nov 2021 18:45 3 Good 2 Bad 129
Infeccion Ciudad Parasito v10 12 players version Infeccion Ciudad Parasito v10
by Garad
Download Infeccion Ciudad Parasito v10.w3x (15.94 MB)
Other 19 Mar 2023 00:33 4 Good 0 Bad 129
Champions RPG v.0.0.3A 8 players version Champions RPG v.0.0.3A
by Peacehagen
Download ChampRPGv003A.w3x (171.51 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 13 Feb 2024 14:04 2 Good 1 Bad 129


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