The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for POKEMON WL 5.6C[Encryption]
POKEMON WL 5.6C[Encryption] 10 players version POKEMON WL 5.6C[Encryption]
by GOPA & pepper pest

We have to know that piracy is not shameful, hateful is to turn the dog bites, which map the original name for the PM WL model is based on completely re-nPW7.2 produced [attributes, skills, trigger, terrain, data, complete primary production] only to imitate the pokemon world 20% the content as I do not know English, issued a non-encrypted 4, we look at technology because some people say that I in turn, the WL is GOPA piracy, but also an insult to me, I am very disappointed I do not intend to update the English version and Chinese version to update only to find the English version to update, and have the quality of animals boiling

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Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 192x192
Recommended Players: A few are the same number of V

Size: 0.89 MB
Submitted: 6 Aug 2009 12:03
Rating: 23 Good 3 Bad
Downloads: 2935


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