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Map Details for CommandNConquerRAV5.01(balanced)
CommandNConquerRAV5.01(balanced) 10 players version CommandNConquerRAV5.01(balanced)
by l)eath2u4me

Well, here you have it, the last version of my CnC RA universe. I fixed a lot and made minor changes too. Like the terrain and units.I also balanced the sides, allies are no longer rigged. I will fix any problems, just email.<br />
-Made by:I)eath2u4me@Azeroth

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Category: Other
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 160x224
Playable Area: 148x212
Recommended Players: CnC Fans!

Size: 2.68 MB
Submitted: 18 Feb 2007 09:48
Rating: 4 Good 6 Bad
Downloads: 348


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