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Map Details for MACS RPG V.2.0
MACS RPG V.2.0 9 players version MACS RPG V.2.0
by Da_Hairy_Goblin

-level 200 and no save/load<br />
quests added three in the main town.The paladin can now heal himself. <br />
There is items crafting!check quests in-game to see the items!Secret Item craf!Find me on azeroth west for next version ideas!look for MACS DUNGEON RPG!

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Dalaran
Dimensions: 255x255
Playable Area: 244x244
Recommended Players: ANY

Size: 0.41 MB
Submitted: 21 Feb 2007 23:05
Rating: 3 Good 8 Bad
Downloads: 1478


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