The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for SoTR v3.0 unlimited
SoTR v3.0 unlimited 10 players version SoTR v3.0 unlimited
by Roberts Marinas

The plane of Ruinar is at the verge of destruction! fight the Conquerors from Aceldama and reclaim the former glory of the land of Arnghal!<br />
<br />
Game Modes:<br />
-ap, -ar, -id, -dm, -sm, -usm, -uber<br />
<br />
SotR (Sustainers of the Realm)

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Felwood
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 120x122
Recommended Players: 2-10

Size: 7.92 MB
Submitted: 29 Jun 2010 06:41
Rating: 5 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 136


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