The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Defense of the Ancients: Final B
Defense of the Ancients: Final B 10 players version Defense of the Ancients: Final B
by Eul

Fight to protect the ancient land from the evil Scourge. AOS Variant.
Credit goes to Sig, Munky, and iLL for helping me balance, and to ZZzz, the designer of the Kimhri skin.

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 116x116
Recommended Players: 3v3, 4v4, 5v5

Size: 0.53 MB
Submitted: 24 Feb 2005 08:46
Rating: 153 Good 62 Bad
Downloads: 25610


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