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Map Details for Hero Maul Wars v5.9b
Hero Maul Wars v5.9b 6 players version Hero Maul Wars v5.9b
by potato_sauce (USEast)

Build Heroes to defend against your opponent<br />
<br />
Features include<br />
-various Heroes w/ special powers<br />
-special thanks to: my brother, neighbors, triplezero163, kaihsu, ojiro9 and eparrape.<br />
<br />
edited and redone by potato_sauce

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Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Northrend
Dimensions: 128x96
Playable Area: 116x88
Recommended Players: 6

Size: 0.43 MB
Submitted: 25 Jun 2007 22:46
Rating: 4 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 457


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