The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Dixel's Tower Defense SOLO v3.0 b
Dixel's Tower Defense SOLO v3.0 b 8 players version Dixel's Tower Defense SOLO v3.0 b
by DIXel

- All new tower defense, whith upgrades
- Single player added!
- Enemys walk from the right to the left
- Build towers to stop them!!
- You are on your own!!
- If 1 gets by you, you lose and everyone else keeps playing!
- Last person alive wins!

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Category: Tower Defense (Survivor)
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 160x160
Playable Area: 160x160
Recommended Players: 1-10

Size: 0.11 MB
Submitted: 30 Nov 2014 18:33
Rating: 22 Good 7 Bad
Downloads: 2754


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