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line 12 players version line
by 12111

I really love this map, but I need help.
This is the Chinese version of the trolls and elves from the NetEase platform.
This map has a lot of mods and different content:
-Lots of skins of trolls and elves
-Many variants of new walls and towers
-New skills. Many skills
-team:team mode, all players are divided into two teams to play.
-balance: balance mode, mainly used for 1v1 and 2v2.
-defend:Defensive mode, 4 trolls and 8 elves compete for resources on a small island.
-fast:Fast mode based on new trolls and elves.
-run:Escape mode. Elf forces survive for 16 minutes to win.
-single:Free group battle of a single troll (default).
-double:A free group battle between two trolls.
-fix:A troll and a number of elves with fixed-point development.
But this map can only be played on NetEase.
Please make this version playable and unlock donated content. I'll be very grateful to you)
please share the unlocked version: [email protected]

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Category: Other
Tileset: Lordaeron Winter
Dimensions: 384x288
Playable Area: 372x276
Recommended Players: 12

Size: 0.4 MB
Submitted: 7 Apr 2021 17:27
Rating: 0 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 25


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