The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Loops
Loops 1 player version Loops
by host--pidor

Map with test BJDebugMsg loops

-l0 or -l --- Loop0 - 1 / 10000
-l1 --- Loop1 - 800 / 2000
-l2 --- Loop2 - 800 / 2000
-l3 --- Loop3 - 500+300 / 1000
-l4 --- Loop4 - 800 / 10000
-l5 --- Loop5 - 800 / 10000
-l6 --- Loop6 - 800 / 10000
-l7 --- Loop7 - 500+300 / 1000
-l8 --- Loop8 - 2500 / 10000
-l9 --- Loop9 - 30000 / 50000
-l10 --- Loop10 - 9700 / 20000
-l11 --- Loop11 20 - 8000
-l11 XX --- Loop11 XX - cubic input, -l11 10 gives 10x10x10=1000 operations, -l11 20 gives 8000, -l11 50 gives 125000 , -l11 74 gives 400000
-l12 --- Loop12 - 400000 / 400000 timed trigger
-l13 --- Loop13 - 400000 / 400000 timer
in -l12 и -l13 tickspeed 0.001 can be changed (inside j code) for your CPU speed
-l14 --- Loop14() - timer + debug via preload to \Warcraft\save-test\*.txt

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Category: Other
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 64x64
Playable Area: 52x52
Recommended Players: Any

Size: 0.37 MB
Submitted: 25 May 2023 03:43
Rating: 1 Good 0 Bad
Downloads: 63


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