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Map Details for WeJJang RPG 0.09
WeJJang RPG 0.09 10 players version WeJJang RPG 0.09
by werasj

Produce by. werasj

| Koala feedback! Mii boss and onwards need drop rate increase

| group of 4 couldnt get drops in a whole day so they quit!

| grinding gear for 4 people, starting with that boss

| hard to solo,

| even hollow Ichigo, almost max stat we needed 1 tank 1 dps

| jeanne/zoro/2B/madara was their party

| Artoria Pendragon boss is really tanky! really rare for its drop!

| thats because they havent grinded stage 6, and late stage 5 lol

| drop rate is abyssmal

| 1 shot not an issue when you max stats

| well maybe diablo and stuff but thats because you need to dodge

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 480x480
Playable Area: 480x480
Recommended Players: as you please

Size: 37.8 MB
Submitted: 22 Dec 2023 14:37
Rating: 0 Good 0 Bad
Downloads: 24


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