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Map Details for 심해온라인 RE 4.1i
심해온라인 RE 4.1i 10 players version 심해온라인 RE 4.1i
by NotDatai

this is the original korean map version if you run into bugs in the other auto translated version! only thing I translated was the commands and thats it! this version is mostly for translating! feel free steal/take over this map version if you want! I dont care! just a few basic manual translations done.. nothing else!


-save -load -시야 -Cam -주사위 -Dice -자살 -Suicide -청소 -Clean

| -취소 -Cancel -설정 -setting -정보 -information -기여도

| -contribution -total contribution -feather -game time -gt

| -gametime -플레이 시간 -pt -playtime -피리 정렬 -flute sort

| -스톤 정렬 -stone sort -상자 분배 -box distribution -통계

| -statistics -디버그 -debug -딮스 -디프스톤 -deepstone

| -exclusive skill description -raffle -draw -뽑기 -drawing -dpm

| -guide -가이드 -rkdlem -칭호 -cldgh -choose a title

|-hunting time -application for participation -영웅 교체 -Hero

| Change -enforce -rkdhgk -rkdghk -synthesis -gkqtjd -Force

| start of Defense Battle 1 - Force start of Defense Battle 2

| -Force start of Defense Battle 3 -Force start of Defense

| Battle 4 -Force start of Defense Battle 5 -Check defense

| -return - Go to the abyss

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 480x384
Playable Area: 480x384
Recommended Players: 1~8명

Size: 64.45 MB
Submitted: 5 May 2024 22:12
Rating: 1 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 48


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