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Map Details for Loco RPG_v9.0
Loco RPG_v9.0 7 players version Loco RPG_v9.0
by none

at 54 minutes can switch to other side if not sooner because will run out of space drop the mine ores anyways!

| maybe 20-30 minutes was enough to switch to lower right instead of lower left! theres also top right to! so can equally change areas farm mines for others so that dont run out of drop space for them!

| in 1 hour, is x20 mins each those 3 areas!

| 1.4k stats to 4k stats in 2 mins!

| only needed half of it filled! so maybe like 10 mins afk farming at most!

| 20 mins afk farm if want ot spread out!

| solo grinding issues!

| s7 bosses and past that have perm stun when in a group!

| better lvl with others once get past that part!

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 480x480
Playable Area: 480x480
Recommended Players: 1~7 people

Size: 28.1 MB
Submitted: 21 May 2024 10:47
Rating: 2 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 56


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