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Map Details for COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v3.0
COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v3.0 8 players version COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v3.0
by Waugriff

This is the sequel to COT RPG. Fight and die in Medea, the ice covered world of magic. This mod includes new heros, buffed/nerfed old spells/heros, new spells, and more detailed terrain. Also, I have fixed a few bugs as well. -Eshian@USeast

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 256x256
Playable Area: 256x256
Recommended Players: RPG lovers

Size: 1.86 MB
Submitted: 5 Jun 2008 03:00
Rating: 8 Good 9 Bad
Downloads: 2218


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