The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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FOOTMEN FIGHT v2.0 12 players version FOOTMEN FIGHT v2.0
by Puma
Download FOOTMEN FIGHT v2.0.w3x (0.23 MB)
Melee 15 Aug 2006 14:09 10 Good 9 Bad 910
[300] - Battle of Thermopylae [1.0] 10 players version [300] - Battle of Thermopylae [1.0]
by TerrorWing Pheonix
Download 300 [BoT] v1.0.w3x (2.95 MB)
Campaign 17 Apr 2007 01:36 7 Good 6 Bad 2024
Street Football 1.6 12 players version Street Football 1.6
by doom91
Download Street Football 1.6.w3x (1.18 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 12 May 2008 16:01 5 Good 4 Bad 838
Paintball ExTrEmE! 0.1 12 players version Paintball ExTrEmE! 0.1
by Wffle
Download Paintball ExTrEmE 0.3.w3x (0.03 MB)
Other 18 Aug 2008 05:53 2 Good 1 Bad 105
Podbij zamek 10 players version Podbij zamek
by Pal95
Download Bitwa średniowieczna na 10 graczy.w3x (2.06 MB)
Other 31 Dec 2008 17:14 2 Good 1 Bad 76
Elven Hero Siege v0.18b 8 players version Elven Hero Siege v0.18b
by Dark-Death
Download Elven Hero Siege 0.18b.w3x (0.99 MB)
Hero Defense 25 Jul 2009 18:05 1 Good 0 Bad 189
Hunter vs Farmer -Blek Edition 0.5c 12 players version Hunter vs Farmer -Blek Edition 0.5c
by Blek121
Download Hunter_vs_Farmer_0.5 - Blek121.w3x (0.32 MB)
Other 6 Mar 2010 20:19 2 Good 1 Bad 213
InSaNe TD Version 1.2.2 10 players version InSaNe TD Version 1.2.2
by Flasche_Pommes
Download InSaNe TD Version 1.2.2.w3x (1.36 MB)
Other 11 Jun 2010 18:41 1 Good 0 Bad 478
Vampire ResurrectionEX5. 12 players version Vampire ResurrectionEX5.
by epicwar 8.8b
Download Vampire Resurrection EX5.w3x (0.73 MB)
Tower Defense (Survivor) 21 Nov 2010 05:59 2 Good 1 Bad 378
The Demon Hunt 0.96t 12 players version The Demon Hunt 0.96t
by SanKakU
Download Demon Hunt_0.96t.w3x (2.73 MB)
Other 16 Jun 2011 01:58 2 Good 1 Bad 88
Hero Wars Seasons 8 players version Hero Wars Seasons
by NerdSlayer
Download Hero Wars Seasons v0.3.w3m (0.04 MB)
Hero Defense 17 Jul 2011 02:32 2 Good 1 Bad 97
Llamado Sonico 1 player version Llamado Sonico
by Black_Baraden
Download Llamado Sónico.w3x (0.02 MB)
Other 17 Jan 2012 16:58 1 Good 0 Bad 59
Batalla Ancestral v6.0 8 players version Batalla Ancestral v6.0
by Angel
Download Batalla Ancestral v6.0.w3x (5.74 MB)
Hero Defense 24 Mar 2012 08:58 2 Good 1 Bad 143
Battle v3.19 5 players version Battle v3.19
by Unknown
Download Battle v3.19.w3x (4.16 MB)
Hero Arena 23 Apr 2012 18:41 2 Good 1 Bad 174
Clash of Forces v0.66 alpha 10 players version Clash of Forces v0.66 alpha
by dachi madzgharashvili
Download Clash of Forces 0.66Optimized alpha.w3x (0.34 MB)
Other 25 May 2012 15:26 1 Good 0 Bad 65
DotA v6.79b + Display Damage 10 players version DotA v6.79b + Display Damage
by IceFrog
Download DotA v6.79b.w3x (7.91 MB)
Hero Defense 27 Nov 2013 03:01 2 Good 1 Bad 1185
Into Emerald Dream 1 player version Into Emerald Dream
by FeralTeam
Download Into Emerald Dream ver1.0.w3x (0.62 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 6 Jan 2015 01:00 2 Good 1 Bad 119
Travel To Azeroth 1 player version Travel To Azeroth
by Unknown
Download thrals travel ep1.w3x (0.04 MB)
Campaign 13 Nov 2015 12:58 1 Good 0 Bad 112
War of the Magi 10 players version War of the Magi
by By Monroi Castro
Download War_of_the_Magi_2.0[1].w3x (21.41 MB)
Hero Defense 29 Jan 2017 08:46 2 Good 1 Bad 205
환멸 RPG (DisRpg v.A7) 10 players version 환멸 RPG (DisRpg v.A7)
by WARrr
Download Dis RPG v.A7.w3x (27.63 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 24 Feb 2018 17:15 4 Good 3 Bad 589
Corriente de ira-Ultimate-6.2 10 players version Corriente de ira-Ultimate-6.2
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)RagingStreamV6.2.w3x (49.31 MB)
Melee 1 Sep 2020 16:54 1 Good 0 Bad 90
Dividir y Conquistar-Ultimate-6.2.3 10 players version Dividir y Conquistar-Ultimate-6.2.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DivideAndConquerV6.2.3.w3x (49.82 MB)
Melee 22 Sep 2020 03:46 2 Good 1 Bad 120
All-in Humans v1.14// Duskwood 4 players version All-in Humans v1.14// Duskwood
by stan0033 & Blz
Download AiH_v.1.14.Duskwood.w3x (0.95 MB)
Melee 27 Nov 2020 19:43 2 Good 1 Bad 82
Angel Arena Eclipse 2023 12 players version Angel Arena Eclipse 2023
by Ya.Dno.Mne.Poh
Download AnArEc_12_08_2023-1.w3x (47.57 MB)
Hero Arena 12 Aug 2023 00:36 3 Good 2 Bad 764
Clash of Clans 0.42 4 players version Clash of Clans 0.42
by Neznámý
Download Clash Of Clans V0.42.w3x (9.89 MB)
Other 7 Jan 2024 03:02 1 Good 0 Bad 20


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