The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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God's Land (v3.1) 11 players version God's Land (v3.1)
by PainRelievers
Download God's Land (Pain's V.3.1).w3x (1.77 MB)
Other 30 Sep 2013 20:23 1 Good 3 Bad 137
Warsong Gulch v 1.8 11 players version Warsong Gulch v 1.8
by Duality
Download Warsong Gulch v 1.8a.w3x (2.1 MB)
Hero Arena 30 Sep 2013 20:50 5 Good 1 Bad 251
Avamposto ICAL 7 players version Avamposto ICAL
by Pazzoberserk
Download ICAL.w3x (5.32 MB)
Hero Defense 30 Sep 2013 21:01 0 Good 2 Bad 104
MDMA 5 players version MDMA
by Pazzoberserk
Download MDMA.w3x (5.11 MB)
Castle Defense 30 Sep 2013 21:04 1 Good 1 Bad 153
Naruto Battle Shippuden v0.3 11 players version Naruto Battle Shippuden v0.3
by Неизвестно
Download NBS 0.3w3x.w3x (7.66 MB)
Hero Arena 30 Sep 2013 21:41 5 Good 3 Bad 2216
NWU 1.3.9c Beta 10 players version NWU 1.3.9c Beta
by Kroom & muZk
Download NWU_193c_2.w3x (6.9 MB)
Other 30 Sep 2013 23:46 10 Good 4 Bad 1365
X Hero Siege 2012 8 players version X Hero Siege 2012
by Siverdragon12
Download X Hero Siege 2012.w3x (1.83 MB)
Other 1 Oct 2013 01:41 0 Good 1 Bad 1822
The dark period 2012 12 players version The dark period 2012
by .Love
Download The dark period 2012.w3x (2.6 MB)
Other 1 Oct 2013 01:42 2 Good 0 Bad 96
Dwarves VS Faceless Ones v2.7 10 players version Dwarves VS Faceless Ones v2.7
by Strikers30
Download Dwarves V.S. Faceless Ones v2.7.w3x (6.36 MB)
Hero Defense 1 Oct 2013 01:52 1 Good 0 Bad 180
[Demo Map] System: Display Damage 1 player version [Demo Map] System: Display Damage
by Pedro Fernandes (Gilgamesh)
Download [Spell] Display Damage Sys.w3x (0.04 MB)
Other 1 Oct 2013 02:32 1 Good 1 Bad 183
Tactics And War 9.1 10 players version Tactics And War 9.1
by ErickBocanegra
Download Tactics And War 9.1 PE.w3x (0.17 MB)
Castle Defense 1 Oct 2013 02:46 4 Good 1 Bad 200
Tierra Desoladora 1 player version Tierra Desoladora
by Apotheosis
Download Tierra Desoladora.w3m (0.18 MB)
Melee 1 Oct 2013 02:54 3 Good 1 Bad 179
Enfo's 1 Team 7-WAY Final 9 players version Enfo's 1 Team 7-WAY Final
by takasaqua
Download Enfo's 1 Team 7-WAY Final 30092013.w3x (0.63 MB)
Hero Defense 1 Oct 2013 03:39 12 Good 2 Bad 2544
Green Circle TD Mega 10.7 8 players version Green Circle TD Mega 10.7
by Base on Doom
Download Green Circle TD Mega 10.7.w3x (6.86 MB)
Other 1 Oct 2013 05:14 0 Good 0 Bad 537
Mushroomland Intro 1 player version Mushroomland Intro
by Danny Goldman
Download No is Mushroomland Intro.w3x (0.02 MB)
Cinematics 1 Oct 2013 06:27 1 Good 0 Bad 60
Mushroomland Intro 1 player version Mushroomland Intro
by Danny Goldman
Download Mushroomland Intro.w3x (0.02 MB)
Cinematics 1 Oct 2013 06:51 1 Good 0 Bad 54
Mushroomland Intro 1 player version Mushroomland Intro
by Danny Goldman
Download Mushroomland Intro Cinematic.w3x (0.02 MB)
Cinematics 1 Oct 2013 07:15 2 Good 1 Bad 71
Zombie Attack 15 10 players version Zombie Attack 15
by qoOoWinneroOop
Download Zombie Attack 15.w3x (0.48 MB)
Tower Defense (Survivor) 1 Oct 2013 07:29 3 Good 3 Bad 816
T.O.D v1.0 4 players version T.O.D v1.0
by KaiBji
Download T.O.D.w3x (1.17 MB)
Other 1 Oct 2013 08:29 2 Good 0 Bad 184
8 Legged Freaks TD v 2.2 9 players version 8 Legged Freaks TD v 2.2
by Gnar_Kill
Download 8 legged freaks 2.2.w3m (0.09 MB)
Tower Defense (Survivor) 1 Oct 2013 08:56 0 Good 0 Bad 942
Are you a retard? Final III 8 players version Are you a retard? Final III
by zZXxChaosxXZz
Download Are you a Retard III.w3x (0.2 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 1 Oct 2013 09:09 1 Good 1 Bad 94
Are you a retard? Final III 8 players version Are you a retard? Final III
by zZXxChaosxXZz
Download Are you a Retard III.w3x (0.2 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 1 Oct 2013 09:09 0 Good 2 Bad 263 1 player version
by Pedro Fernandes (Gilgamesh)
Download [Spell] Display Spell Name.w3x (0.03 MB)
Other 1 Oct 2013 10:16 2 Good 0 Bad 73
Police vs Thieve v.1R! 12 players version Police vs Thieve v.1R!
by -Captain-jaMe-
Download Police Vs Thieve v.1R!FIX.w3x (7.57 MB)
Other 1 Oct 2013 11:01 1 Good 1 Bad 175
War of Nature v1.04 AI 10 players version War of Nature v1.04 AI
by RedBeef
Download WoNature v1.04AI.w3x (0.9 MB)
Hero Defense 1 Oct 2013 11:15 3 Good 1 Bad 723


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