The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Datearrow Rating Downloads
Resident Missions Umbrella[6.3] 8 players version Resident Missions Umbrella[6.3]
by -[Deathkok]-
Download Resident Missions Umbrella[6.3].w3x (6.5 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 10 Apr 2015 02:20 3 Good 0 Bad 1155
Create An Empire 3 players version Create An Empire
by gM41
Download Create An Empire (v1.02).w3m (3.13 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 07:25 2 Good 1 Bad 258
Final Battle 4.0 4 players version Final Battle 4.0
by LeGoLaSyO
Download Final Battle 4.0.w3x (4.6 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 08:25 3 Good 2 Bad 286
Final Battle 4.1 4 players version Final Battle 4.1
by LeGoLaSyO
Download Final Battle 4.1.w3x (4.6 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 09:16 2 Good 1 Bad 58
Final Battle 4.2 4 players version Final Battle 4.2
by LeGoLaSyO
Download Final Battle 4.3.w3x (4.6 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 09:43 3 Good 0 Bad 87
Create An Empire (v1.04) 3 players version Create An Empire (v1.04)
by gM41
Download Create An Empire (v1.04).w3m (3.14 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 09:46 2 Good 0 Bad 162
Peasant Town V1.2 10 players version Peasant Town V1.2
by -F-N-L-
Download Peasant Town V1.2 Town of Blood.w3x (1.98 MB)
Hero Arena 10 Apr 2015 11:10 2 Good 1 Bad 189
Final Battle 4.3 4 players version Final Battle 4.3
by LeGoLaSyO
Download Final Battle 4.3.w3x (4.6 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 11:16 3 Good 0 Bad 89
Not Afraid 1.0c 6 players version Not Afraid 1.0c
by Pemitqn94
Download Not Afraid 1.0c.w3x (0.25 MB)
Hero Defense 10 Apr 2015 11:20 3 Good 1 Bad 130
Create An Empire (v1.05) 3 players version Create An Empire (v1.05)
by gM41
Download Create An Empire (v1.05).w3m (3.14 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 11:47 4 Good 0 Bad 125
Final Battle 4.4 4 players version Final Battle 4.4
by LeGoLaSyO
Download Final Battle 4.4.w3x (4.6 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 12:30 3 Good 0 Bad 101
Grand Chase Dungeon Arena 6 players version Grand Chase Dungeon Arena
by TimeMarble
Download Grand Chase Dungeon Arena.w3x (7.64 MB)
Hero Arena 10 Apr 2015 12:33 1 Good 2 Bad 384
DatingNeptune31-sound 1 player version DatingNeptune31-sound
by 绝望の大叔
Download DatingNeptune31.w3x (7.51 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 12:48 7 Good 4 Bad 622
Netherworld Arena 0.58 12 players version Netherworld Arena 0.58
by E
Download NWArena0.58.w3x (0.97 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 12:57 2 Good 1 Bad 153
Final Battle 4.5 4 players version Final Battle 4.5
by LeGoLaSyO
Download Final Battle 4.5.w3x (4.6 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 15:13 2 Good 2 Bad 133
Lord of the Rings Risk: Strongholds 12 players version Lord of the Rings Risk: Strongholds
by qpPyKT
Download LOTR Risk Strongholds 12.5V.w3x (7.96 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 15:54 33 Good 18 Bad 5633
Create An Empire (v1.06) 3 players version Create An Empire (v1.06)
by gM41
Download Create An Empire (v1.06).w3m (3.14 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 16:20 2 Good 0 Bad 126
羊羊快跑4.41最终版 10 players version 羊羊快跑4.41最终版
by GO!GO!GO!GO!GM!更新
Download yangyangkuaipao4.41.w3x (0.18 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 16:48 2 Good 5 Bad 546
玄魔乱世录2.1A正式版 5 players version 玄魔乱世录2.1A正式版
by 天有霹雳火&无义剑心
Download new_XuanMoLSL2.1A1.w3x (2 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 10 Apr 2015 16:52 4 Good 5 Bad 240
THUG ESCAPE v0.12test 11 players version THUG ESCAPE v0.12test
by none
Download Thug Escape v0.12.w3x (0.28 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 16:55 2 Good 1 Bad 333
〖封魔绝影录〗V2.6 7 players version 〖封魔绝影录〗V2.6
by "circle●原..
Download fengmojueyinglu.w3x (2.12 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 10 Apr 2015 16:56 18 Good 17 Bad 523
光之远征:亡灵世界V6.10 6 players version 光之远征:亡灵世界V6.10
by 百鬼
Download WorldOfSpectersV6.10.w3x (6.79 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 10 Apr 2015 16:57 9 Good 13 Bad 1225
MouseIce v1.2c 11 players version MouseIce v1.2c
by Mouse (@ICCup)
Download Mouseicev1.2c.w3x (0.23 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 17:41 0 Good 2 Bad 65
Moo Moo v4.03 Generation X 6 players version Moo Moo v4.03 Generation X
by Redbeef
Download MooMoov4.03GenerationX.w3x (5.93 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 18:52 7 Good 2 Bad 5109
宠物小精灵防御战A3.7[神] 10 players version 宠物小精灵防御战A3.7[神]
by Zy_毒罂
Download PoM_FyZ_A3.7_S.w3x (6.32 MB)
Other 10 Apr 2015 20:17 50 Good 41 Bad 1020


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Maps are provided as is and are not guaranteed to be without errors.
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