The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Raise of the DeaD 3.5 10 players version Raise of the DeaD 3.5
by SPooCK
Download Raise of the DeaD 3.5.w3x (0.07 MB)
Other 3 Sep 2008 21:02 1 Good 1 Bad 121
Tropicial Hunt remade 12 players version Tropicial Hunt remade
by Ultimate Demon
Download Forgotten ruins.w3x (0.13 MB)
Other 19 Oct 2008 20:42 1 Good 0 Bad 121
Gun Slinger 2.0! 8 players version Gun Slinger 2.0!
by Hiruty
Download Gunslingers.2.0!.w3x (1.42 MB)
Cinematics 28 Jul 2009 09:19 1 Good 1 Bad 121
Jedles Skill Map v1.1 12 players version Jedles Skill Map v1.1
by By Jedles
Download JedlesSkillMap.w3x (0.04 MB)
Other 17 Sep 2009 19:42 3 Good 1 Bad 121
Ten Paces 2 players version Ten Paces
by Normalice
Download (2)TenPaces.w3x (0.13 MB)
Melee 18 Oct 2009 08:09 4 Good 2 Bad 121
Imperium Beta 12 players version Imperium Beta
by Vahir (Shimitar)
Download Imperium Beta.w3x (1.18 MB)
Other 21 Feb 2010 01:35 1 Good 0 Bad 121
Rückkehr der Brennenden Legion 10 players version Rückkehr der Brennenden Legion
by Shadow_Master
Download Rache der Burning Legion.w3x (0.68 MB)
Other 16 Apr 2010 21:45 1 Good 0 Bad 121
Base Conquer 0.1 6 players version Base Conquer 0.1
by Rob4z
Download CastleConquer0.1.w3m (0.12 MB)
Castle Defense 17 May 2010 15:58 1 Good 0 Bad 121
Mages & Blades v0.8c 8 players version Mages & Blades v0.8c
by Temateineah & Sexy!
Download Mages and Blades v0.8c.w3x (0.68 MB)
Hero Arena 28 Sep 2010 01:04 2 Good 1 Bad 121
Are you lucky? v.1.3 12 players version Are you lucky? v.1.3
by [T]art
Download Are you Lucky1.3.w3x (0.04 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 5 May 2011 02:11 0 Good 3 Bad 121
7 Paladins v1.2b 9 players version 7 Paladins v1.2b
by gandgomill
Download 7 Paladins v1.2b.w3x (0.04 MB)
Hero Defense 8 Feb 2012 16:35 2 Good 1 Bad 121
Madness V.1.7b 10 players version Madness V.1.7b
by nitinai12
Download Madness V.1.7b.w3x (1.08 MB)
Other 8 May 2012 12:32 2 Good 2 Bad 121
Cuoc Chien Cua Nhung Bang Dang V1.1c 4 players version Cuoc Chien Cua Nhung Bang Dang V1.1c
by Tobi-Obito
Download Bang Dang Xa Hoi Den.w3x (3.18 MB)
Other 31 May 2013 04:50 2 Good 0 Bad 121
Azeroth Wars LR 1.86b 12 players version Azeroth Wars LR 1.86b
by Joffrey, Dave & Steak.
Download Azeroth Wars LR Official.w3x (2.68 MB)
Other 2 Jul 2013 17:02 1 Good 1 Bad 121
Cave Rpg Tft v2.5 10 players version Cave Rpg Tft v2.5
by GirlsRulesYou
Download Cave Rpg Tft Prot v2.5.w3x (0.62 MB)
Other 21 Aug 2014 23:56 4 Good 1 Bad 121
Heroes vs Bo`s 9 players version Heroes vs Bo`s
by BliBlaBlubb
Download Mystery-Map 0.06.w3x (0.15 MB)
Other 3 Sep 2014 16:19 1 Good 1 Bad 121
Phantom Mode! v1.1c 12 players version Phantom Mode! v1.1c
by unholydecimator
Download Phantom Mode v1.1c.w3x (0.35 MB)
Other 22 Dec 2014 02:40 0 Good 1 Bad 121
Calradia 0.7c 6 players version Calradia 0.7c
by Delinard
Download Calradia 0.7c.w3x (5.21 MB)
Other 22 Feb 2016 16:42 4 Good 2 Bad 121
Jeffer Defensa 2.0 10 players version Jeffer Defensa 2.0
by Jeffer940
Download jeffer defensa 2.0.w3x (0.32 MB)
Hero Defense 9 Aug 2016 23:45 1 Good 2 Bad 121
Strategy Wars (For 4 players) 4 players version Strategy Wars (For 4 players)
by CrazyNick5
Download Strategy War!2vs2.w3x (6.22 MB)
Melee 2 Nov 2016 17:28 3 Good 0 Bad 121
hero of the empire new version 3 players version hero of the empire new version
by Immortal
Download gbbb.w3x (0.2 MB)
Other 7 Aug 2018 15:59 2 Good 1 Bad 121
green circle td edited 7.8.3 test 16 players version green circle td edited 7.8.3 test
by K4r4b4s4N
Download green circle td edited 7.8.3 test.w3x (0.17 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 31 Dec 2018 15:00 0 Good 1 Bad 121
WarkingUltimatev8.7.9 10 players version WarkingUltimatev8.7.9
by Maxmaso
Download WarkingUltimatev8.7.9.w3x (6.24 MB)
Hero Defense 28 Nov 2019 02:21 1 Good 0 Bad 121
Battle of Felwood RF 6.08 3 players version Battle of Felwood RF 6.08
by Anthrax
Download Battle of Felwood RF 6.08.w3x (14.35 MB)
Hero Defense 3 Jan 2021 04:08 1 Good 1 Bad 121
Survival zombie 0.105.0 10 players version Survival zombie 0.105.0
by Glady
Download Survival zombie 0.105.0.w3x (11.38 MB)
Other 27 Aug 2023 14:07 5 Good 3 Bad 121


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