The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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ZeroX2)Fire's Private Game 10 players version ZeroX2)Fire's Private Game
by ZeroX2)Fire
Download ZeroX2)Fire's Private Game.w3x (0.61 MB)
Other 23 Jan 2008 11:11 2 Good 1 Bad 112
Full Enforced v2.9c 5 players version Full Enforced v2.9c
by DotAdick
Download Full Enforced v2.9c.w3x (0.57 MB)
Melee 15 Feb 2009 11:33 1 Good 1 Bad 112
Die Zwergenkriege v0.38a 8 players version Die Zwergenkriege v0.38a
by Ryzhem
Download Die_Zwergenkriege_v.0.38a_prot.w3x (2.64 MB)
Other 23 Feb 2009 07:53 0 Good 0 Bad 112
Grunt Wars 2.6 gift 6 players version Grunt Wars 2.6 gift
by Spock1990
Download Grunt Wars 2.6 gift.w3m (0.04 MB)
Other 19 Aug 2009 11:01 1 Good 1 Bad 112
Some Shiti WC3 Map 1 player version Some Shiti WC3 Map
by rayjay
Download 4.w3x (3.82 MB)
Other 24 Aug 2009 10:54 1 Good 1 Bad 112
?????Beta V2.0 12 players version ?????Beta V2.0
by ????
Download TBA_2_00_Beta.w3x (2.93 MB)
Hero Arena 9 Sep 2009 16:29 6 Good 1 Bad 112
era2.7Illidans V2.48 8 players version era2.7Illidans V2.48
by era2.Shadow
Download era2.7Illidans V2.48.w3x (0.13 MB)
Other 3 Feb 2010 00:55 2 Good 1 Bad 112
Undead Raiding Party v0.1d BETA 8 players version Undead Raiding Party v0.1d BETA
by Far123456222
Download Undead Raiding Party-1.w3x (0.04 MB)
Campaign 29 May 2010 02:46 0 Good 2 Bad 112
Crazy's Vampirism v1.07b RUS 12 players version Crazy's Vampirism v1.07b RUS
by AngelRocK
Download Crazy's Vampirism 1.07b 13-20-12.w3x (0.72 MB)
Other 27 Aug 2010 12:32 3 Good 2 Bad 112
Fight for Eternal Pride v2.0c 10 players version Fight for Eternal Pride v2.0c
by Suzakw (Editor)
Download Fight for Eternal Pride v2.0c.w3x (6.36 MB)
Other 13 Feb 2011 17:10 3 Good 0 Bad 112
perang dukun bonus level!!!! 1 player version perang dukun bonus level!!!!
Download nghe.w3x (0.07 MB)
Other 8 Apr 2011 09:53 1 Good 1 Bad 112
NewFarmers Vs. HunterV6 11 players version NewFarmers Vs. HunterV6
by JkprO
Download New Farmers Vs. Hunter.w3x (0.27 MB)
Other 21 Jun 2011 12:26 2 Good 0 Bad 112
New Saga v2 (HLD) 4 players version New Saga v2 (HLD)
by Edited By Batanng Lusot.
Download New Saga.w3x (0.31 MB)
Other 11 Sep 2011 07:46 1 Good 0 Bad 112
MATE O REI 4 players version MATE O REI
Download MATE O REI V0.1.w3x (0.04 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 24 Apr 2012 01:42 0 Good 1 Bad 112
The Creeper 10 players version The Creeper
by Theextreme
Download Legion Vs Nation.w3x (0.05 MB)
Hero Defense 25 Nov 2012 12:06 1 Good 0 Bad 112
World Dominator 7.0 Unholy Cave 4 players version World Dominator 7.0 Unholy Cave
by UnkNown HorroR
Download World Dominator V7.0 - Unholy Caves.w3x (2.34 MB)
Other 14 Jul 2013 21:53 1 Good 1 Bad 112
Flooded Forest v1.1.0 6 players version Flooded Forest v1.1.0
by FvckYv
Download FF v1.1.0.w3x (0.27 MB)
Hero Defense 4 Jul 2015 05:26 1 Good 0 Bad 112
Crusade over Europe 0.56 Fantasy 12 players version Crusade over Europe 0.56 Fantasy
by S02
Download Crusade over Europe 0.56 Fantasy.w3x (3.29 MB)
Other 8 Oct 2016 08:41 3 Good 1 Bad 112
DR Domination 31.8 10 players version DR Domination 31.8
by disenetill
Download DR Domination 31.8.w3x (7.97 MB)
Hero Defense 31 Aug 2017 02:46 4 Good 0 Bad 112
Скиллшот Арена 2.6 10 players version Скиллшот Арена 2.6
by JackFastGame
Download Skillshot_Arena_2_6.w3x (7.71 MB)
Other 8 Jun 2019 14:20 2 Good 1 Bad 112
메이플 스토리 New v10 (확장) 12 players version 메이플 스토리 New v10 (확장)
by 제작 : thstp975
Download MapleStory_RPG_v10.w3x (4 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 29 Oct 2020 13:31 1 Good 3 Bad 112
WarlordsReborn v6.4.9 12 players version WarlordsReborn v6.4.9
by Reuscreator,Mky
Download WarlordsRebornv6.4.9.w3x (3.87 MB)
Hero Arena 16 Jan 2022 01:44 3 Good 1 Bad 112
Hero Def v2.6c 8 players version Hero Def v2.6c
by RatLaNgangBuong , d_x_O_x_b
Download Hero Def v2.6c.w3x (4.03 MB)
Other 19 Jan 2022 05:14 1 Good 5 Bad 112
Realm of Kings v1.53 15 players version Realm of Kings v1.53
by StangtennisGuru & Ballonskipper
Download Realm of Kings v1.53.w3x (14.58 MB)
Hero Defense 18 Mar 2023 09:55 2 Good 1 Bad 112
Rise of the Vampyr 4.03 8 players version Rise of the Vampyr 4.03
by Marshmalo
Download Rise of the Vampyr 4.03.w3x (20.89 MB)
Other 1 Feb 2024 22:23 2 Good 1 Bad 112


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