The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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Cementerio de Dragon-Ultimate-2.4.5 3 players version Cementerio de Dragon-Ultimate-2.4.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)CementeriodeDragonesV2.4.5.w3x (16.49 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:33 2 Good 2 Bad 165
Jardines de Azshara-Ultimate-2.4.5 3 players version Jardines de Azshara-Ultimate-2.4.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)JardinesdeazsharaV2.4.5.w3x (13.31 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:33 1 Good 1 Bad 110
Plataformas Viles-Ultimate-2.4.5 3 players version Plataformas Viles-Ultimate-2.4.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)PlataformasvilesV2.4.5.w3x (10.83 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:33 1 Good 0 Bad 58
Calabozos y Kobolds-Ultimate-2.4.5 3 players version Calabozos y Kobolds-Ultimate-2.4.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)CalabozosykoboldsV2.4.5.w3x (13.76 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:32 2 Good 1 Bad 111
Jardines esmeralda -Ultimate-6.3.5 10 players version Jardines esmeralda -Ultimate-6.3.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)EmeraldGardensV6.3.5.w3x (55.13 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:31 1 Good 1 Bad 124
Corriente de ira-Ultimate-6.3.5 10 players version Corriente de ira-Ultimate-6.3.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)RagingStreamV6.3.5.w3x (49.67 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:31 1 Good 1 Bad 71
Corona de hielo -Ultimate-6.3.5 10 players version Corona de hielo -Ultimate-6.3.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)IceCrownV6.3.5.w3x (50.66 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:31 2 Good 2 Bad 129
Llaves polvorientas-Ultimate-6.3.5 10 players version Llaves polvorientas-Ultimate-6.3.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DustwallowKeysV6.3.5.w3x (52.61 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:31 1 Good 0 Bad 44
Dividir y Conquistar-Ultimate-6.3.5 10 players version Dividir y Conquistar-Ultimate-6.3.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DivideAndConquerV6.3.5.w3x (51.27 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:31 1 Good 1 Bad 121
Tierras muertas-Ultimate-6.3.5 10 players version Tierras muertas-Ultimate-6.3.5
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DeadlandsV6.3.5.w3x (51.25 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:30 2 Good 1 Bad 46
La Batalla de Costa Oscura-1.1.1 3 players version La Batalla de Costa Oscura-1.1.1
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (2)BatalladeCostaOscuraV1.1.1.w3x (19.04 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 04:24 3 Good 1 Bad 26
Cazadores de Guerra Ultimate-1.0 5 players version Cazadores de Guerra Ultimate-1.0
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (4)WarChasersUltimateV1.0(BETA1).w3x (11.04 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 8 Dec 2020 04:23 3 Good 3 Bad 129
Daemonic Sword ORPG R1.38 3 players version Daemonic Sword ORPG R1.38
by Shea Easterbrook, Daemonic#1597
Download Daemonic_Sword_ORPG_R1.38.w3x (16.59 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 8 Dec 2020 01:25 1 Good 1 Bad 490
Highlands - War of 16 Races 8 players version Highlands - War of 16 Races
by NitashiX
Download Highlands - 16 Races.w3x (0.6 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 01:03 1 Good 2 Bad 126
Highlands - War of 16 Races 2 players version Highlands - War of 16 Races
by NitashiX
Download Highlands - 16 Races.w3m (0.05 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 01:03 1 Good 0 Bad 46
Ultimate Battle Raging Stream v1.82 10 players version Ultimate Battle Raging Stream v1.82
by Wa666r & Unregret & ZiBitheWand.
Download (10)UBattle_RagingStream1.82.w3x (71.38 MB)
Melee 8 Dec 2020 00:55 6 Good 2 Bad 549
Endless Rain ORPG 225 3 players version Endless Rain ORPG 225
by Patisaur / Projectsoul
Download opt-EndlessRainORPG225.w3x (21.57 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 7 Dec 2020 23:01 0 Good 1 Bad 94
BounceBack Wars 12 players version BounceBack Wars
by Veracius
Download bbw 0.01h.w3x (0.05 MB)
Other 7 Dec 2020 21:18 0 Good 0 Bad 38
BounceBack Wars 12 players version BounceBack Wars
by Veracius
Download bbw 0.01g.w3x (0.04 MB)
Other 7 Dec 2020 19:36 2 Good 0 Bad 22
BounceBack Wars 12 players version BounceBack Wars
by Veracius
Download bbw 0.01f.w3x (0.04 MB)
Other 7 Dec 2020 19:07 2 Good 1 Bad 23
LordOFfantasY v0.41a 12 players version LordOFfantasY v0.41a
by developer
Download loftwrpg3v0.41a_eng.w3x (70.24 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 7 Dec 2020 17:42 4 Good 1 Bad 165
WoW Domination Beta 1.0 12 players version WoW Domination Beta 1.0
by Suqmadiq
Download WoW Domination Beta 1.0.w3x (2.69 MB)
Other 7 Dec 2020 17:39 1 Good 1 Bad 53
BounceBack Wars 12 players version BounceBack Wars
by Veracius
Download bbw 0.01e.w3x (0.04 MB)
Other 7 Dec 2020 17:38 1 Good 1 Bad 22
Footmen vs Grunts 5.7.7b 3 players version Footmen vs Grunts 5.7.7b
by Compit
Download Footmen_vs_Grunts_5.7.7b.w3x (1.47 MB)
Other 7 Dec 2020 17:21 0 Good 0 Bad 65
All-in Humans v1.23 (Fallwood) 8 players version All-in Humans v1.23 (Fallwood)
by stan0033 & Blz
Download AiH_v.1.23.Free.Fallwood.w3x (1.81 MB)
Melee 7 Dec 2020 16:20 0 Good 2 Bad 59


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