The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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Realm of Kings v1.02 3 players version Realm of Kings v1.02
by StangtennisGuru & Ballonskipper
Download Realm of Kings v1.02.w3x (12.14 MB)
Hero Defense 22 Nov 2020 17:41 4 Good 1 Bad 124
Ice Crown RC1 Remastered v3.1.66c 12 players version Ice Crown RC1 Remastered v3.1.66c
by Cure Popuri
Download Ice Crown RC1 Remastered v3.1.66c.w3x (17.95 MB)
Melee 22 Nov 2020 19:17 3 Good 1 Bad 77
DBZ Tribute LuNaTic V57 12 players version DBZ Tribute LuNaTic V57
by ILoveLuNa (M16)
Download DBZ_Tribute_LuNaTic_V57.w3x (36.3 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 22 Nov 2020 19:23 10 Good 2 Bad 1721
TCoM ORPG v7.07 10 players version TCoM ORPG v7.07
by I-IntegraL
Download TCoM ORPG v7.07.w3x (57.38 MB)
Other 22 Nov 2020 19:27 0 Good 0 Bad 58
JvsB v2.3 12 players version JvsB v2.3
by locodavid15
Download JvsB v2.3.w3x (2.49 MB)
Hero Defense 22 Nov 2020 19:50 0 Good 0 Bad 80
300 - Three Hundred Madness 303Final 12 players version 300 - Three Hundred Madness 303Final
by Dragonclaw_Zero
Download 300 - Three Hundred v3.03 Madness.w3x (1.5 MB)
Other 22 Nov 2020 19:57 1 Good 0 Bad 133
Legendary Resistance V2.66 3 players version Legendary Resistance V2.66
by UtopianHero
Download LegendaryResistanceV2.66.w3x (1.3 MB)
Castle Defense 22 Nov 2020 20:03 1 Good 1 Bad 63
TCoM ORPG v7.07f 10 players version TCoM ORPG v7.07f
by I-IntegraL
Download TCoM ORPG v7.07f.w3x (57.38 MB)
Other 22 Nov 2020 22:12 1 Good 0 Bad 131
Mortal Hero Defense V1.1.2 8 players version Mortal Hero Defense V1.1.2
by Ossirian
Download Mortal Hero Defense 1.1.2.w3x (8.43 MB)
Hero Defense 22 Nov 2020 22:14 0 Good 0 Bad 113
7 Blademasters 3 players version 7 Blademasters
by EvoN
Download [7]Blademasters EvoN 2.0.w3x (0.39 MB)
Hero Defense 22 Nov 2020 23:00 3 Good 0 Bad 74
Heroes del crepusculo 12 players version Heroes del crepusculo
by [Jackmoral]
Download Heroes del crepusculo 1.2.w3x (3.1 MB)
Other 23 Nov 2020 00:43 2 Good 0 Bad 88
La Batalla de Costa Oscura-1.0.9 3 players version La Batalla de Costa Oscura-1.0.9
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (2)BatalladeCostaOscuraV1.0.9.w3x (19.04 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:39 3 Good 0 Bad 29
Tierras muertas-Ultimate-6.3.3 10 players version Tierras muertas-Ultimate-6.3.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DeadlandsV6.3.3.w3x (51.25 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:44 3 Good 1 Bad 57
Dividir y Conquistar-Ultimate-6.3.3 10 players version Dividir y Conquistar-Ultimate-6.3.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DivideAndConquerV6.3.3.w3x (51.44 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:44 3 Good 1 Bad 105
Llaves polvorientas-Ultimate-6.3.3 10 players version Llaves polvorientas-Ultimate-6.3.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)DustwallowKeysV6.3.3.w3x (52.6 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:45 5 Good 1 Bad 66
Corona de hielo -Ultimate-6.3.3 10 players version Corona de hielo -Ultimate-6.3.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)IceCrownV6.3.3.w3x (50.66 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:45 3 Good 0 Bad 115
Corriente de ira-Ultimate-6.3.3 10 players version Corriente de ira-Ultimate-6.3.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)RagingStreamV6.3.3.w3x (49.67 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:45 2 Good 2 Bad 63
Jardines esmeralda -Ultimate-6.3.3 10 players version Jardines esmeralda -Ultimate-6.3.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (10)EmeraldGardensV6.3.3.w3x (55.13 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:45 2 Good 4 Bad 146
Calabozos y Kobolds-Ultimate-2.4.3 3 players version Calabozos y Kobolds-Ultimate-2.4.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)CalabozosykoboldsV2.4.3.w3x (10.92 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:46 3 Good 0 Bad 94
Cementerio de Dragon-Ultimate-2.4.3 3 players version Cementerio de Dragon-Ultimate-2.4.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)CementeriodeDragonesV2.4.3.w3x (10.76 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:46 3 Good 0 Bad 75
Jardines de Azshara-Ultimate-2.4.3 3 players version Jardines de Azshara-Ultimate-2.4.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)JardinesdeazsharaV2.4.3.w3x (10.97 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:47 2 Good 4 Bad 64
Plataformas Viles-Ultimate-2.4.3 3 players version Plataformas Viles-Ultimate-2.4.3
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)PlataformasvilesV2.4.3.w3x (10.83 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:47 3 Good 2 Bad 42
Calabozos y Kobolds-Ultimate-3.0 3 players version Calabozos y Kobolds-Ultimate-3.0
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)CalabozosykoboldsV3.0BETA2.w3x (23.48 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:49 3 Good 2 Bad 54
Cementerio de Dragon-Ultimate-3.0 3 players version Cementerio de Dragon-Ultimate-3.0
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)CementeriodeDragonesV3.0BETA2.w3x (30.47 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:49 3 Good 2 Bad 124
Jardines de Azshara-Ultimate-3.0 3 players version Jardines de Azshara-Ultimate-3.0
by Warcraft 3 Comunidad Latina
Download (8)JardinesdeazsharaV3.0BETA2.w3x (27.77 MB)
Melee 23 Nov 2020 05:49 2 Good 1 Bad 126


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