The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Rating Downloadsarrow
Katamari Damaci 10 players version Katamari Damaci
by Zucchini_Grower
Download Katamari 0.51.w3x (5.49 MB)
Other 22 Jun 2016 21:19 1 Good 0 Bad 45
Fight for icecrown 1.1 beta 4 players version Fight for icecrown 1.1 beta
by Galin4o1 .!
Download Icecrown-Fight-1.1-beta.w3x (0.11 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 6 Apr 2017 23:29 0 Good 1 Bad 45
Island v0.04 4 players version Island v0.04
by Неизвестно
Download Islands v0.04.w3x (0.61 MB)
Melee 22 Jan 2018 05:07 2 Good 1 Bad 45
Man Escape 12 players version Man Escape
by who care
Download MAN ESCAPE 1.26d.w3x (0.64 MB)
Other 6 Apr 2018 17:23 2 Good 1 Bad 45
Green Circle #Love 2.0 8 players version Green Circle #Love 2.0
by GMA Network
Download Green Circle TD #Love 2.0.w3x (0.44 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 29 Apr 2019 01:50 1 Good 1 Bad 45
MiniDota v5.5 12 players version MiniDota v5.5
by ilovefeesh,kolling,endik1,sanson
Download MiniDota v5.5.w3x (1.71 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 3 Dec 2019 01:21 2 Good 0 Bad 45
Age of War 1.70 by D4nyi 12 players version Age of War 1.70 by D4nyi
by D4nyi
Download Age Of War 1.7.0.w3x (6.95 MB)
Other 21 Feb 2020 16:28 7 Good 1 Bad 45
El Dios de la Muerte Cap.3 Classic 3 players version El Dios de la Muerte Cap.3 Classic
by Gatalau
Download El Dios de la muerte Cap.3 Classic.w3x (42.89 MB)
Campaign 22 Feb 2020 14:34 1 Good 1 Bad 45
Legendary Resistance V 1.22 3 players version Legendary Resistance V 1.22
by UtopianHero
Download LegendaryResistanceV1.22.w3x (0.84 MB)
Castle Defense 18 Apr 2020 08:35 1 Good 0 Bad 45
Second World War v2.0.1 12 players version Second World War v2.0.1
by Old_Helm
Download SecondWorldWar 2_1_3.w3x (4.67 MB)
Other 24 Apr 2020 23:11 1 Good 1 Bad 45
Восстание орков 3 players version Восстание орков
by PrinceD
Download FreedomFight.w3x (0.08 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 8 Aug 2020 23:55 4 Good 1 Bad 45
Auto Mopa 1 4 players version Auto Mopa 1
by Jakub Smoľák
Download Mopa 1 verzia 0,1.w3x (0.64 MB)
Hero Defense 10 Jan 2021 18:03 1 Good 1 Bad 45
Battle Heroe's 0.01a 9 players version Battle Heroe's 0.01a
by IAm Reaper
Download BattleHeroes0.01a.w3x (3.2 MB)
Hero Arena 26 Mar 2021 15:10 0 Good 1 Bad 45
Horde vs Alliance X3 v3.47 970f 1 player version Horde vs Alliance X3 v3.47 970f
by VidoQ
Download X3v3.47-970f.w3x (17.36 MB)
Other 7 Sep 2021 17:24 1 Good 1 Bad 45
Sniper v0.33c 12 players version Sniper v0.33c
by Revenant
Download Sniper v0.33c.w3x (7.72 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 8 Jan 2022 19:02 1 Good 2 Bad 45
Cazadores de guerras V 0.03 11 players version Cazadores de guerras V 0.03
by Nigromante2012
Download CazadoresDeGuerraV0_03.w3x (41.91 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 14 Apr 2022 02:06 2 Good 0 Bad 45
Choice Battle v2.9a fix 40 ENG 10 players version Choice Battle v2.9a fix 40 ENG
by Vadik29/PinkieNecro/Famouzy
Download Choice_Battle_2_9a_fix40_ENG.w3x (3.84 MB)
Other 10 May 2022 10:42 1 Good 1 Bad 45
Руины Гриндора 0.11d 12 players version Руины Гриндора 0.11d
by Worldebed
Download RuinsOfGrendor0.11d.w3x (13.18 MB)
Melee 19 Aug 2022 14:07 0 Good 0 Bad 45
Fish rpg Part2-43-19-9-6-4 12 players version Fish rpg Part2-43-19-9-6-4
by none
Download U9_Fish_RPG_Part2-43-19-9-6-4.w3x (58.9 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 29 Nov 2022 09:08 3 Good 2 Bad 45
Legendasmap 8 players version Legendasmap
by Unknown
Download Legendasmap.w3x (78.43 MB)
Other 2 Jan 2023 14:21 0 Good 1 Bad 45
Король Лич 1 player version Король Лич
by Nitro
Download WarOfWarcraft.w3x (9.82 MB)
Campaign 11 Mar 2023 20:07 1 Good 0 Bad 45
Strife in Nadrex v1.16 8 players version Strife in Nadrex v1.16
by Alexen
Download SiN v1.16.w3x (7.43 MB)
Hero Defense 23 Jul 2023 16:41 4 Good 0 Bad 45
Самая узкая карта 12 players version Самая узкая карта
by Марк Фадеев
Download Самая узкая карта.w3x (0.02 MB)
Melee 7 Nov 2023 17:56 1 Good 1 Bad 45
ARK TD 2.0 Chính thức bản SP4 8 players version ARK TD 2.0 Chính thức bản SP4
by abcd
Download GreenARK.w3x (1.89 MB)
Other 26 Feb 2024 14:52 0 Good 0 Bad 45
Ikir 3 players version Ikir
by Oliver Valentine Womer
Download Ikir.w3m (13.4 MB)
Other 23 Sep 2024 21:11 0 Good 0 Bad 45


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