The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Date Ratingarrow Downloads
American Civil War 12 players version American Civil War
by James7
Download American Civil War .99.w3x (0.33 MB)
Campaign 30 Apr 2007 08:45 4 Good 3 Bad 758
LOAP Aliens VS Zombies v1.43 11 players version LOAP Aliens VS Zombies v1.43
by Iwillpeeon
Download Iwillpeeons loap protected2.w3m (1.38 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 24 Jul 2007 21:17 4 Good 3 Bad 425
Maze of Microsoft 1 player version Maze of Microsoft
by none
Download Maze of Microsoft [Protected].w3m (0.11 MB)
Other 7 Jan 2008 03:31 4 Good 3 Bad 277
Zombie Arena v0.67 12 players version Zombie Arena v0.67
by AoA
Download Zombie Arena v0.67.w3x (0.19 MB)
Other 4 Jun 2008 16:28 3 Good 2 Bad 262
Wintermaul V10.2? 9 players version Wintermaul V10.2?
by CypherSeven
Download Wintermaul V10.2†.w3x (1.55 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 8 Jul 2008 06:36 3 Good 2 Bad 921
KK90  v1.5.5 b 10 players version KK90 v1.5.5 b
by King_Killer90 (&Yogibär & Kuddl)
Download KK90 big v1.5.5b.w3x (1.29 MB)
Hero Defense 20 Aug 2008 17:38 2 Good 1 Bad 150
Ankunft der Dämonen 2 players version Ankunft der Dämonen
by PDD_Blazefury
Download Ankunft der Dämonen.w3x (0.08 MB)
Other 3 Sep 2008 17:35 2 Good 1 Bad 94
Die Letzte Festung v0.1 8 players version Die Letzte Festung v0.1
by AbuSer[Ger]
Download Die Letzte Festung 0.1 Beta .w3x (0.79 MB)
Castle Defense 20 Sep 2008 12:33 4 Good 3 Bad 136
Splitter TD v3.12 b 8 players version Splitter TD v3.12 b
by vulcano88
Download Splitter TD v3.12b.w3x (0.11 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 15 Mar 2009 17:44 2 Good 1 Bad 491
Multiple TD Challenge 3.3b 10 players version Multiple TD Challenge 3.3b
by gigawing2, MikaelGRA, Crissipos
Download MultipleTDChallenge3.3b.w3x (0.29 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 26 Apr 2009 23:26 2 Good 1 Bad 633
Ruinas Sumergidas 1.1 4 players version Ruinas Sumergidas 1.1
by [IDP]-Puni
Download RUINAS SUMERGIDAS.w3x (0.14 MB)
Melee 26 May 2009 01:15 1 Good 0 Bad 118
The Punishment 12 players version The Punishment
by [C-R]Clan & Dontcryman
Download The Punishment.w3m (0.24 MB)
Other 7 Nov 2009 06:36 3 Good 2 Bad 103
Tim's 6 players version Tim's
by FierceDeity
Download Not Finished Game Dont Play.w3x (0.4 MB)
Hero Arena 4 Sep 2010 07:23 2 Good 1 Bad 115
Allan over vejen V.2.9g 10 players version Allan over vejen V.2.9g
by TaCo]Mike
Download Allan over vejen V.2.9g (P).w3x (1 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 10 May 2011 21:13 6 Good 5 Bad 394
Hero Hunter BETA v0.5 8 players version Hero Hunter BETA v0.5
by Thunderlazy
Download HeroHunterBETAv0.5.w3x (0.14 MB)
Hero Arena 5 Aug 2012 02:40 2 Good 1 Bad 94
Кампания Минотавров 1 player version Кампания Минотавров
by Guardian_dreams
Download Минотавры.w3x (0.05 MB)
Other 24 May 2016 11:43 2 Good 1 Bad 121
The World of Warcraft III 1.5 Beta 12 players version The World of Warcraft III 1.5 Beta
by GamerD1 e Gungnir
Download The World of Warcraft III Beta 1.5.w3x (4.41 MB)
Melee 16 Jul 2016 01:18 1 Good 0 Bad 325
HalloWeird 2015 5 players version HalloWeird 2015
by Pazzoberserk
Download HalloWeird.w3x (5.59 MB)
Castle Defense 14 Jan 2017 01:16 1 Good 0 Bad 214
Thanh Nien VN defen v4.5 10 players version Thanh Nien VN defen v4.5
Download Thanh Nien VN defense v4.5.w3x (1.67 MB)
Hero Defense 24 May 2017 01:35 2 Good 1 Bad 266
250lvl (2 life \ balance fix 1a) 1 player version 250lvl (2 life \ balance fix 1a)
by none
Download 1-250 lvl v0.1a.w3x (0.01 MB)
Other 29 Apr 2018 07:50 2 Good 1 Bad 61
Hold the Line VS mode 2.3 5 players version Hold the Line VS mode 2.3
by arcanetower
Download Hold the Line VS mode 2.3.w3x (0.53 MB)
Castle Defense 21 Jul 2018 01:44 2 Good 1 Bad 202
Monolith (8) V1.3 Versus 8 players version Monolith (8) V1.3 Versus
by Blizzard Entertainment; Bolty
Download Monolith (8) 1.3 Versus Mode-prot.w3x (10.96 MB)
Melee 24 Dec 2019 18:34 1 Good 0 Bad 117
Сквозь огонь 8 players version Сквозь огонь
by Tomoraider
Download BloodElves02x.w3x (3.13 MB)
Campaign 14 Apr 2020 15:15 3 Good 2 Bad 61
The Last Stand 0.8.7 3 players version The Last Stand 0.8.7
by EU: Zymix#2871
Download The Last Stand v.0.8.7a.w3x (0.77 MB)
Hero Defense 27 Jun 2021 16:55 2 Good 1 Bad 54
World of Warcraft Reforged 3.15 20 players version World of Warcraft Reforged 3.15
by Baradé, EvilPitlord, DeMoNiKuS
Download wowr3.15.w3x (145.67 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 18 Nov 2023 07:01 2 Good 1 Bad 217


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